The renowned poet and civil rights activist Maya Angelou is the biological mother of one daughter, Guy Johnson. Their relationship has been far from simple. According to reports, Angelou sent her daughter away from her at an early age, and later denied having any children despite the overwhelming evidence of their connection.
Raised for much of her life in a segregated suburb of San Francisco, Guy Johnson had no contact or knowledge of her real mother for many years. It was not until after Angelou’s breakthrough success as an acclaimed author, poet and civil rights activist that Guy finally reached out to her mother.
Even after a long wait, Guy’s reunion with her mother wasn’t an easy one. Initially, Angelou denied Johnson’s very existence, refusing to accept that the woman attempting to make contact was actually her daughter. After finally being able to prove her status as Angelou’s biological offspring, the two then struggled to build a genuine mother-daughter relationship.
To make things more complicated however, we must also consider the fact that Angelou had adopted two more children, thus preventing Johnson from formally being the only daughter. Danielle and Victor, the mother’s adopted children, eventually helped to motivate Johnson to finally reconnect with her mom.
The renewed bond between Maya Angelou and her daughter Guy Johnson was still fraught with tension however, due to the difficulties and complex emotions created by the long period of denial and separation. While the two now enjoyed regular contact and visits, it was never able to reach a level that could be considered a truly healthy or ‘normal’ relationship.
Early Life of Guy Johnson
Born in 1944, Guy Johnson was the result of a brief affair between her mother Maya Angelou, and a family friend, James Baxter. It was a situation made difficult by the fact that Angelou was already married to another man, Tosh Angelos, at the time. Consequently, Johnson was sent away to her grandmother’s home in Arkansas.
In the following years she was then briefly adopted by a pastor, before finally settling with Vivian Baxter, a close friend of Angelou who, it is assumed, acted as part of a deal to protect Johnson against the potential social stigma of her birth mother’s indiscretions.
Although she changed her name to Johnson after the marriage of her adoptive mother, Guy Johnson was constantly reminded of her unique situation in early life and it’s therefore understandable that she would be so keen to finally reach out to her real mother.
It is assumed that her attempted contact didn’t come easy however, with Johnson reportedly acknowledging that she felt scared and a little apprehensive at the thought of approaching her famous and much-admired mother.
The Relationship between Maya and Guy Johnson
Though estranged for many years, there was an unmistakable reconnection between Maya Angelou and her daughter Guy Johnson presented in Angelou’s works. Johnson is referenced in two works in particular, ‘Rainbow in the Clouds’ and ‘Mom & Me & Mom’. From this we can deduce that the writer eventually found comfort in their maternal relationship.
Fascinatingly, Johnson and Angelou’s bond didn’t remain stagnant either and instead developed over the years. While Angelou expressed her appreciation and admiration of Guy in her works, reports also indicate that Johnson in turn accepted her role as Angelou’s daughter and eventually looked past the faults of her mother’s past behaviour.
Not only this, but Johnson is said to have shared similarities with her mother’s stern, business-like and widely-admired approach to life, taking great strides to honor Angelou until her death.
It seemed then that though their relationship had suffered greatly in the past, Guy Johnson was able to find some solace and peace with her mother in their later life, just at the point when Angelou was becoming increasingly critically celebrated.
Victor and Danielle
Guy Johnson’s relationship with her mother was unavoidably complicated. But though she remains the only biological daughter, there remain two other children that Angelou adopted responsibly, Victor and Danielle.
Victor, it appears, had known Angelou since childhood and was welcomed as an adopted son shortly after Johnson had made contact with her mother. Furthermore, following a period of homelessness, Danielle had turned to Angelou for help in 1969 and was adopted shortly afterwards.
Despite the fact that Johnson was overlooked upon her first contact with her mother, records indicate that Angelou loved each of her children equally and was sure to equally share her wisdom and kind words with each.
What is more, with Angelou’s death in 2014, Danielle and Victor were two of the four people asked to eulogise her at her memorial service. This moment only serves to further raise the question of how Guy Johnson’s life was shaped by an undeniably intricate mesh of adoption, denial, reunion and eventual reconciliation.
Guy Johnson’s Life Post-Maya Angelou
The relationship between identified mother and actual daughter proved volatile at best. While both managed to find a source of solace and understanding in each other amidst their vast differences, records indicate that Guy struggled as an adult.
It was reported by People Magazine for example, that Angelou’s adopted children Victor and Danielle spent a great deal of time and effort in retaliation to Johnson’s fame and success, at one point entering into a legal battle over Maya Angelou’s estate.
Having had her academic career cut short due to the strain of her relationship with her famous mother, Johnson served stints in sales and business management, often shadowing her mother’s success. Following Angelou’s death, Johnson is said to uphold her mother’s legacy through her work with charity and legal matters.
Overall, one can conclude that while Guy Johnson was initially denied her mother’s love, the eventual form of the relationship was complex yet eventually reconciled. Such a convoluted life story continues to demonstrate the ongoing legacy of Maya Angelou, and the great power of understanding and acceptance to bring family together, regardless of distance or status.
Guy Johnson’s Impact on Society
In the wake of her mother’s passing, Guy Johnson has since dedicated her life to the promotion of Angelou’s teachings and orthodoxies. As a result, Johnson has become an unwitting role model for many who have faced similar challenges as she had, inspiring people all around the world with her personal story.
Specifically, Johnson has since lent her voice to those who have suffered due to racism or sexism, taking a stand for those who have had their challenges minimised or ignored in their various walks of life.
Furthermore, Johnson has since used her platform to promote the importance of family acceptance, even in the most difficult circumstances, believing that change and understanding begins in the home.
Finally, however, it is also uplifting to note that Johnson has also used her platform to further the importance of kindness and acceptance, proving that even in the most difficult relations, forgiveness and compassion may eventually bring two sides together.