Why Didn’t Maya Angelou Speak For 5 Years

Maya Angelou, an acclaimed author and poet, famously lived a life filled with tremendous triumph and tribulation. At age fourteen, she was raped by her mother’s boyfriend, an ordeal that left her unmotivated to speak for an extensive period of time. After the trial of her perpetrator put him in jail, Angelou refused to testify and was effectively silenced due to the trauma she endured. This trauma placed Angelou in a state of “speaking hibernation,” preventing her from using her voice for a period of five years. During those five years, Angelou focused on rediscovering her true self and gaining back the confidence that had been stripped from her at such an early age.

Despite the fear and feelings of dread that enveloped her during this period, Angelou found inner strength that enabled her to continue life as normally as possible. She assigned herself the task of building a better version of herself every day, rising each morning to perform simple tasks such as brushing her teeth and making her bed. Recognizing the importance of language, Angelou took on a new challenge: the learning of new languages. To broaden her knowledge and stimulate her thought process, Angelou became proficient with French and Spanish.

The desire to learn and succeed in life was one of the primary motivators that pushed Angelou during the five-year period in which she was silent. She constantly reminded herself that every seemingly mundane accomplishment was a step toward restoring her freedom. After she had internalized a sense of empowerment, Angelou began to work her way out of her state of silence. She chose to focus on activities and topics that she enjoyed, these activities acting as a gateway back to human speech. Eventually, Angelou was able to find a communication method that made her more comfortable and confident in her expression and creativity.

Angelou gradually recovered her sense of trust in the world, replacing her fear and silence with a newfound love for literature, music, as well as parties with friends and family. Eventually, she was able to overcome the trauma of her past and became a prominent public figure dedicated to the social justice and advancement of all. Today, Angelou is a beacon of hope and inspiration for those who seek to move forward from past trauma and reclaim the power of their voice.

Psychological Impact of Maya Angelou’s Silence

The psychological impact of Angelou’s prolonged silence is as profound and compelling as her triumphant recovery and return to the public eye. After being robbed of her sense of trust and security, Angelou was left with a lingering sense of anger and confusion. For five years while struggling to regain her voice, Angelou was locked in a state of psychological dissonance, forced to witness the events unfolding around her without having a tangible avenue to express her thoughts and feelings.
As Steven S. Francisco puts it in “The Beauty and Tragedy of Maya Angelou’s Voices,” Angelou was “mentally tortured by her own suppression of her voice.” In this sense, Angelou’s silence became its own prison; an emotionally devastating limbo in which she was deconstructing and rebuilding her sense of self.

Angelou’s five year period of silence also had a clear impact on her intellectual growth. During her time of silence, Angelou was deprived of the opportunity to express her ideas and engage in meaningful dialogue with her peers. This lack of communication robbed Angelou of the opportunity to fully develop her creative skills, left her to her own devices in terms of exploring her individual style and finding a unique form of expression.

The trauma and emotional distress that Angelou endured left her feeling helpless and incapable. Angelou’s silence was her only means of holding onto a sense of control and her only hope of salvation. Angelou’s silence birthed a curiosity that eventually led her to find freedom and a newfound confidence. After five years of tremendous struggle, she emerged as a pillar of hope and strength; a testament to the power of perseverance.

Reclaiming her Voice

Angelou’s silent journey to reclaiming her voice was an arduous one. After the realization that she would never be able to change what had already happened and her initial period of self-destruction, Angelou was forced to look inward in order to rediscover what it was that made her unique. To free herself from the effects of trauma, Angelou focussed on learning and exploring new languages in order to stimulate her thought process, reengage her creative side and regain the confidence she had lost.

This process of gaining back her individuality and rediscovering who she was gave Angelou a newfound sense of purpose. The regular practice of simple yet life-affirming activities such as brushing her teeth and making her bed gave her a sense of accomplishment each morning, reminding Angelou of her strength and power every day. After she had successfully reconnected with her inner self and stirred up a newfound confidence, Angelou was ready to step outside of her own head and reengage in meaningful conversation and creative expression.

What began as a period of crushing silence soon developed into a newfound knowledge of the power of words. Angelou soon realized that taking back her voice and confidently expressing herself was the only way to fully regain her power and restoration. As she slowly began to express her thoughts through literature, poetry and other forms of art, Angelou slowly but surely gained back the confidence she had lacked.

The five years of silence allowed Angelou to reconnect with what she valued most: the individual expression of her voice. As a woman of many talents, Angelou capitalized upon her newly regained freedom and energy, building a legacy of resilience, courage and individual expression.

Supporting Others Through her Own Experience

Today, after having overcome the traumatic event that rendered her voiceless, Angelou’s story has become an incredible source of inspiration for the many individuals who suffer in silence. Through her story, Angelou has become a beacon of hope and strength, communicating through her legacy and work that it is possible to find solace and freedom after experiencing traumatic events such as rape. For many who’ve undergone a similar trauma, Angelou’s story serves as a powerful reminder that no matter how dark things may seem, it is still possible to find strength and reclaim one’s voice.

Furthermore, Angelou has made it her mission to help others reclaim their voice and inner power by using her own story as a testament to the importance of verbal and creative expression. Angelou’s work is meant to serve as a reminder to never give up the battle for justice and truth, nor silence the beauty of one’s individual expression. Angelou’s legacy serves to remind us all of the power and beauty of reclaiming one’s voice and speaking up for that which is right, no matter the cost.

Rebuilding Confidence After Trauma

In order to fully regain her voice, Angelou had to relearn how to trust again. The sense of fear, shock and fear she experienced after the rape had robbed her of the normal communication skills that humans need in order to thrive. In order to become comfortable with sharing her thoughts, emotions and ideas again, Angelou had to face her fear and give herself permission to try, even if failure was a likely outcome.

As Angelou began rebuilding her confidence, she experienced a growing sense of control over her life and her circumstances. Instead of being a victim of her trauma, she was now actively reclaiming her freedom and power through the process of putting together the pieces of her broken self. She reminded herself every day that she had the strength to confront whatever life threw her way. This newfound sense of security allowed Angelou to gain back her sense of self, eventually culminating in the empowered and restored figure she is known as today.

An Engaged Audience

The difficulties Angelou faced during her years of silence did not go unnoticed. Despite being without a voice, Angelou’s inner thought process was constantly observed and admired by those around her. As she began her journey to self-discovery, Angelou was supported by a loving family, amazing friends and even strangers who admired her strength and passion. It was their overwhelming appreciation that helped push Angelou to overcome her fear and take back her voice.

After she had successfully regained her sense of power, Angelou was finally able to express her thoughts, feelings and ideas with her growing audience in many creative ways. Through her work, ultimately Angelou was able to create a platform of support for those facing similar traumatic experiences. Angelou’s words were just as powerful as her silence and soon her massive influence began to reach people all over the world.

An Unparalleled Legacy

Angelou’s story of resilience is truly one of a kind. After spending five years in silence and gradually recovering her voice, Angelou chose to use her newfound power to help countless others in similar shoes. Following her own recovery, Angelou developed a lifelong mission to help others reclaim their voice and inner power. As her work began to spread, Angelou developed a massive audience that respected and looked to her in times of difficulty.

Ultimately, it was Angelou’s honest and relentless effort that inspired millions of individuals to take back their power, heal the wounds of their past and give their life a newfound purpose. Whether it be through her poetry, her books or her public speaking, Angelou’s words and works are timeless and can be admired to this day. Her story of overcoming trauma and reclaiming her voice has created a powerful legacy that lives on and will continue to resonate with those seeking solace and restoration.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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