Why Do You Snap For Poetry

Why Do You Snap For Poetry?

Poetry is one of the most powerful and emotionally evocative forms of art and expression, and it has been around since ancient times. It is a way of expressing our innermost thoughts, feelings and experiences in a concise, beautiful and meaningful way. It has the power to take us on a journey, to another place or to another perspective, and thus it can help to broaden our understanding and reach greater depths of emotional insight and self-awareness. But why do we find Poetry so appealing, why do we snap for it?  

It Speaks to Our Inner Narrative

Poetry speaks to our inner narrative, it has the ability to tap into our emotional and spiritual depths, to explore what lies beneath the surface of our conscious thoughts. A great poem often has the power to touch us in ways that a straightforward essay or piece of prose cannot, it has the ability to conjure up images, emotions and memories that are otherwise inaccessible to us. It allows us to travel to a place beyond the boundaries of our rational minds, to touch on times and places that otherwise remain hidden. It can also be a form of release and healing, as it allows us to explore and express feelings and emotions that are normally suppressed.

Rhythm and Meter

Rhythm and meter are two of the most important aesthetically appealing aspects of poetry. Both of these traits work together to enhance the emotional and artistic appeal of a poem. Rhythm helps to create a sense of flow and cohesion, it allows the words to become alive and dance along with the poem. Meter is the strength and structure of the poem, it gives the poem its shape and form, like a skeleton for the poem to hang around. Meter allows the poem to have a clear and vivid story line, which helps to emotionally engage the reader and make the words seem more vibrant and alive. These rhythmic and metrical elements are what make poetry so appealing, as they help to elevate the words and make them more meaningful.

It Is Uniquely Personal

Poetry is also an incredibly personal and intimate form of expression. It allows us to express our innermost thoughts in a way that is unique to us. No one poem will mean the same thing to two different people, as the interpretations of a poem will vary depending on the experience, beliefs and values of the individual. In this way, poetry gives us the freedom to explore and express our feelings and emotions in a uniquely personal and creative way. It also gives us the opportunity to form and discover our own individual meanings within the words, and to explore the world and our emotions from a unique and personal perspective.

Word Choice and Imagery

Word choice and imagery are two other important factors in why people snap for poetry. Poets often use carefully selected words and phrases to create vivid and evocative images that capture our attention and draw us into their world. The imagery also often has a deeper and more profound meaning, helping to lift the poem to a higher and more meaningful level. The word choice will often affect the tone of the poem, and this helps to further emotionally connect the reader with the words, providing a powerful emotional punch that no other form of art can quite replicate.

Symbolism and Metaphor

Poetry makes use of symbolism and metaphor in order to portray more complex and hidden meanings within the words. Symbols are often used to add meaning and even hidden messages to a poem, as they can often convey feelings and emotions to the reader which would otherwise remain hidden. Metaphors are also frequently used in poems, as they help to link two or more seemingly disparate concepts together, allowing the reader to make connections and see deeper truths and implications within the poem. In this way, symbols and metaphors help to give poems an added layer of power and meaning, making them even more compelling and convincing to the reader.

It Tells Stories

Poetry also has the ability to tell stories, to illustrate and explore themes and ideas in a simple and straightforward way. Whether it be a story of love, heartbreak, joy, pain, despair or hope, a great poem can capture our hearts, minds and imaginations and help us to make sense of our lives and our experiences. Poetry is a powerful way of conveying complex and often abstract concepts in an accessible and emotionally engaging way, and this is why we often find ourselves snapping for it.

The Power of the Unsaid

Finally, the power of the unsaid is another reason why people snap for poetry. Poetry can often create powerful images that go beyond words, that open up new worlds and perspectives that would be impossible to explore through traditional forms of writing. It has the power to open up spaces in our minds that would otherwise remain hidden, and this is what often provides the most profound and emotionally profound experience with poetry. In this way, poetry can often help us to make sense of our lives and our experiences in a more holistic and profound way.

The Use of Sound And Silence

The use of sound and silence also play an important role in why people snap for poetry. In addition to the rhythm and meter of a poem, the soundscape created by the words themselves can often be just as powerful. This is because sound has a powerful way of triggering emotions and memories, and can often evoke feelings that go far beyond the literal meaning of the words. Similarly, silence can be just as powerful, as the gaps and pauses can create a space for contemplation, reflection and even deeper understanding. When used alongside the words and rhythms of a poem, sound and silence can often create a powerful and evocative experience that can help to emotionally connect the reader to the words.

The Power Of Reflection

The power of reflection is yet another factor in why people snap for poetry. Poetry can often stimulate thoughts and reflections on life, on the world and its people, and on ourselves. It can inspire us to look deeper within ourselves, to ponder questions and contemplate possibilities that we would otherwise not have given much thought to. It can provide us with a new way of looking at the world and of exploring our own experience, and this is often one of the greatest gifts that poetry can offer us.

Connection And Resonance

Finally, the connections and resonance that we often find when we read poetry can be powerful in itself. Poetry can often be cathartic, as it can speak to us directly, often in a way that no other form of writing can. We often find ourselves relating to the poet’s words, finding in them a sense of belonging, or even a sense of our own story. In this way, poetry can often help us to find our own personal truths, to make sense of our lives, and to connect with our own inner being.

A Source Of Comfort

Poetry can often be experienced as a source of comfort, providing solace and understanding during difficult times. It can help to make sense of why we are feeling the way we do, and to rationalise our emotions. Great poems can also offer us hope, lending us perspective and faith during uncertain and tumultuous times. In this way, poetry can often provide us with a sense of belonging and connection to something beyond ourselves, and this can be an incredibly healing experience.

A Unique Learning Experience

Reading, writing and studying poetry can also often be an incredibly rewarding and unique learning experience. By immersing in the narrative and flow of a poem, and exploring its themes and deeper meaning, we can gain a great insight into the human condition, and the connections between ourselves and the world around us. Exploring poetry can also help us to reflect on our own experiences, and to learn and understand more about ourselves and our place in the world.

A Form of Self Expression

Finally, poetry can be a powerful tool for self-expression. Writing poetry can often be a highly therapeutic activity, as it gives us an outlet to express our innermost thoughts and feelings in an articulate and meaningful way. It helps us to explore our lives, our beliefs and our identity in a concise and meaningful way, and can be an incredibly cathartic exercise. Poetry can also be an incredibly powerful form of communication, and can often help us to make sense of our lives, to heal and to grow.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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