Why Does Poetry Exist

A Creative Outlet

Poetry can be thought of as a form of creative self-expression. Writing poetry allows people to explore deeper levels of emotion and to create a tangible representation of their most abstract thoughts. Expressing a moment or experience in poetic form provides the writer with an outlet to express personal nuances that they may not be able to express in other forms.

Poetry has been used by people for centuries to express their emotions, experiences, and beliefs. It is believed that some of the earliest forms of written language were composed in the form of poetic lyrics. Ancient poetic works are still studied to gain a deeper understanding of history and culture.

In today’s society, poetry is still used as a form of creative self-expression, often with the focus shifting more towards painting a unique vivid picture to tell an individual story rather than communicating a universal message. Unlike books and movies which are bound by conventional narrative structures, poetry offers the writer the freedom to arrange words into whatever form they wish.

Connection to the World

By expressing themselves in poetic form, individuals are able to bring their experiences and feelings to the forefront, educate and share their perspectives with the world. This can help to provide a greater understanding of the writer’s struggle, motivations, and culture. For example, in October 2019, a group of writers released a collection of poems entitled “Voices of a Movement”, which showcased the strength and resilience of black people and showcased how speaking out in poetic form can create a powerful tool to empower everyone.

Social media has made poetry more accessible to a wider audience in the 21st century. With the rise of writers like Rupi Kaur, millions of people have been exposed to poetry in new, innovative ways. Kaur’s success demonstrates the power of poetry in reaching out to an audience, as she is one of the most read poets of the past decade. Her global presence showcases how poetry is becoming more and more popular and relevant in the digital age.

Poetry can also provide a platform for social change, as many writers have used their wordplay and metaphors to ignite conversations around racism, sexism, and other sensitive issues. The empowerment of these words can have an incredible impact and spark meaningful conversations.

The Power of Vulnerability

Writing poetry allows the author to confront difficult thoughts and feelings, in an attempt to make sense of them. It serves as a form of self-reflection, allowing the writer to tap into their own emotions, rather than simply relying on the opinions of others. This process can be therapeutic and lead to a better understanding of both their internal and external worlds.

Writing poetry can also give the author a greater understanding of how they can use their voice to make a difference in the world. By expressing themselves in this powerful way, they are allowed to be vulnerable while still bringing light to a cause they are passionate about. This can be incredibly empowering, allowing the individual to feel validated and inspire others to use their own voice.

In addition to being an emotional outlet, poetry can also open up the door to new perspectives and ideas. By reading and writing poems, the individual is constantly challenged to think critically and dream creatively, allowing them to gain new insights on the world. This can be incredibly motivating and help the author to gain a better understanding of themselves and their unique place in the world.

Creative Writing Practice

Writing poetry is a form of creative writing. Even if some of the works never get published, the process of writing them is still beneficial for the author. Being creative encourages individuals to think differently, to experiment, and to explore their own ideas outside of the structure imposed by formal language. Poetry can also help writers to become more confident in their writing, as it allows them to practice and explore different writing styles without the fear of criticism or judgment.

As well as allowing the writer to practice their literary skills, writing poetry also strengthens the author’s discipline and focus. By creating a writing routine, the author is training their brain to focus on their craft, as well as giving themselves an achievable goal to work towards. Creating a poem can be incredibly rewarding and give the author a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.

The mental and emotional benefits of writing poetry are numerous, however it is important to note that this should not be seen as a substitute for professional help, such as therapy and counseling. Writing poems can certainly help the individual to work through their emotions and express themselves in ways that other forms of writing may not allow, however it should not be seen as a replacement for psychological support and professional advice.

Art of Language

Poetry is an art form, and much like any form of art, it should be appreciated and celebrated for its unique and creative form of expression. Poetry can be much more than words on a page, it has the potential to evoke powerful emotions and to transport an individual’s thoughts and feelings from their mind to the page. Through this poetic transformation, the author can gain a greater understanding of themselves and their place in the world, which is priceless.

In the words of poet Maya Angelou, “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you”. Writing poems allows individuals to bring those stories to life, validate their own experiences, and give voice to their thoughts, feelings, and ideas. Poetry gives people the freedom to be vulnerable and use their creativity to share something unique with the world.

Current Trends

The rise of spoken word performances and slam poetry have further contributed to the growth of interest in poetry. These events offer an energetic and exciting platform for poets to share their work with a live audience. They also help to break down the traditional conceptions of what poetry should look like, by providing poets with an opportunity to share their work in a completely new and innovative way.

Social media has also helped to spread the reach of poetry by providing the platform for writers to share their work with the world. With the use of hashtags, writers can find a community of other poets to connect with, share their work, and receive constructive feedback. This has allowed poetry to remain popular and relevant, allowing individuals to continue to express themselves in an accessible and empowering way.

Understanding Human Mind

When people express themselves in poetic form, they are able to put their thoughts into words in a way that many other forms of writing may not be able to. This can help the poet to gain a greater understanding of their own personal thoughts, emotions, and ideas. It serves as a bridge between the inner self and the external world, helping individuals to make sense of their own experiences.

Writing poetry also allows individuals to progress in their own personal development, as well as allow their readers to learn new perspectives. The power of wordplay and expression can move and inspire those who read it, providing them with the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of not only the poem, but also of the people, cultures, and events which serve as its inspiration.

While it can be incredibly difficult to explain why poetry exists, it can be understood that this form of writing has the power to move, educate, and validate people in a way that very few other forms of writing can. Writing and reading poems can help to bridge the gap between the inner and outer self, helping us to gain a better understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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