Why I Write Poetry Major Jackson

Background Information

Major Jackson is an award-winning American Poet, author and Professor of English at the College of Wooster in Ohio. He has written several collections of poetry, including “Holding Company” which won the 2003 Cave Canem Poetry Prize, the 2005 Whiting Writers’ Award and a 2020 Academy of American Poets Fellowship. He is a recipient of a 2015 Pushcart Prize and has been featured in The New Yorker, Poetry, The New Republic and other periodicals. He has also been named as one of the “Best New Poets” by Poets & Writers Magazine.

Jackson’s primary focus is to write about the human condition, love, loss, and his exploration of history and culture. He has a rich and unique voice that speaks to the reader on many different levels. His work often delves into the complexities of emotion, relationships, family and the power of language.

Why Major Jackson Writes Poetry

For Major Jackson, poetry is a way to express himself and to connect with others through his words. Writing poetry allows Jackson to unlock his creativity and to explore the depths of his thoughts and experiences. For Jackson, writing is a way to make sense of injustice, inequality, and violence in the world while also providing understanding, empathy, and compassion. Poetry is Jackson’s form of protest, but it is also an exploration of love, beauty, and grace.

When Jackson began writing poetry, it was therapeutic for him. Writing became a way for Jackson to come to terms with his personal history and to express his identity as an African American man. It was also a way to prolong the moment, to capture the beauty and joy in the world and to write down moments that would otherwise be forgotten.

Jackson’s writing also speaks to the importance of understanding the past and making sense of the present. He incorporates history, literature, and culture into his poetry, creating a vibrant story of hope and resilience. His work carries a rich lyricism that speaks to the power of language and how it can be used for good.

Jackson is passionate about his craft and believes that a poem can be an act of courage and resistance. He is also deeply aware of the power of words and the ability to move people. Through his poetry, Jackson is able to capture emotion, raise awareness and make sense of our chaotic world. In his own words, Jackson says, “Writing is my way of bearing witness to the human condition, and to offer listeners a way to wade through their own lives more thoughtfully and hopefully.”

Reception of Major Jackson’s Work

Major Jackson’s work has been highly acclaimed by critics and audiences alike. His books have been named finalists for the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award and have been featured in The New Yorker, Poetry Magazine and other prestigious journals. His work also resonates with readers, who admire the beauty and passion that comes through in his poetry.

Jackson’s writing has been praised for its style, substance, and for the way it speaks to readers. His work often has a musical quality and a lush imagery that is captivating and emotionally evocative. His words connect with readers on many different levels, from the personal to the universal, from joy to sorrow, from the ephemeral to the timeless.

Jackson’s work has inspired a new generation of poets and readers, who are drawn to his unique voice and stories. His willingness to speak about the human condition and to explore difficult topics has become a beacon of hope for many readers, who find comfort and solace in his words.

Jackson’s Process

It is often said that writing is a process of discovery and Major Jackson embraces that concept. For him, writing is a way to uncover new topics and to challenge himself. He is constantly experimenting with new forms and structures while always striving to tell the most authentic story possible.

Jackson’s process begins with a concept or idea. He will often play with words and phrases or random lines of thought to spark his imagination. As he writes, the poem evolves and takes shape, with each line acting as a mirror to the next. He is also a great believer in the power of revision and will often spend days or weeks tinkering with a poem until it feels right.

Jackson is also an avid reader and looks to poets, artists, musicians, and other writers to help him find inspiration. He is constantly learning and finding new ways to express himself. He is not afraid to take risks and explore new topics, which has allowed him to create some of his most beautiful work.

Jackson’s Legacy

Major Jackson has become an iconic figure with his work being celebrated across the world. He has been praised for his courage, his willingness to speak about difficult topics and his ability to connect with audiences. He has inspired many poets and become a role model for a new generation of writers.

Jackson can be seen as a bridge between past and present, between sorrow and joy. He is an example of what can be achieved when you follow your dreams, when you fight for what you believe in, and when you let your voice be heard. His words will continue to inspire and empower many generations to come.

Commitment to the Art

For Major Jackson, writing is a lifelong passion and a source of great joy. He has dedicated his life to his craft and continues to push the boundaries with each poem he produces. His work has been acclaimed by audiences and critics alike, and he is one of the most celebrated poets of our time.

Jackson speaks to the power of writing and to its ability to move people in profound ways. He has shown us that poetry is not just an act of expression, but also a powerful form of protest. He has inspired many to pick up the pen and to bring their unique voice to the world.

Living Enrichment

Major Jackson not only looks to his writing for his enrichment, but also to connecting with other poets, reading other authors, and teaching students. For him, the most important thing is to stay connected to his craft and to challenge himself in new ways. He is passionate about his work and has devoted much of his life to it.

He continues to write poetry, often with the same passion and commitment as when he was just starting out. His work is a testament to the beauty and power of words, and his desire to share his stories, his thoughts, and his voice with the world.


Major Jackson is a master of his craft; a poet and a teacher who has been able to touch people with his words. His work speaks to the power of language, the beauty of life, and the importance of fighting for what you believe in. Through his writing, Jackson is able to bridge the gap between past and present, exploring the depths of the human condition while shining a light on injustice, inequality, and violence.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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