Why Poetry Zapruder

Why Poetry Zapruder?

At first glance, the mere combination of the words ‘poetry’ and ‘Zapruder’ might appear baffling or suggest a lack of seriousness. After all, Zapruder – the surname of the late Kennedy assassination witness of the same name – is probably most widely known for being associated with the well-known amateur film footage recording of President Kennedy’s fatal shooting in 1963. What could something so culturally iconic, and so deeply rooted in the realm of tragedy, have to do with poetry? That is exactly what this article seeks to answer.

The story of how Zapruder’s name became synonymously linked with poetry goes back to a specific event in 1993. That year, the first Poetry Zapruder event was organized in Dallas by poet and professor, Michael Ventura. The concept for the event was simple, yet significant – it would combine a wide variety of forms and styles of poetry with video footage of the Kennedy assassination. what made for the most significant display, however, was its audience. For those who attended, one could not be certain what experience would be had, but the emotional complexity of it could not be understated – even after all the years that had passed.

This would be the setting of many Poetry Zapruder performances that followed. Over the years, poets, musicians and other artists, each inspired by the raw humanity of the story, created their own works to be presented under the Poetry Zapruder brand, often with significantly different approaches. To some, it meant reading a poem in which Zapruder and the events of his life are used as extended metaphors. Others read their own accounts of the Kennedy assassination, delving into its social and personal implications. Through it all, Poetry Zapruder was ultimately about more than just poetry – it was about providing an emotional platform for artists to express their own musings on the most influential moment of the 20th century.

Sublime Aesthetics

Aesthetically, Poetry Zapruder performances can be breathtaking. When carefully crafted, an audience of listeners can be taken on an emotional journey. The combination of powerful words, coupled with stirring video of the Kennedy assassination, has a unique way of drawing its audience in, to an emotional level unseen in many art forms. Interestingly, it could be argued that the power of these performances is even greater when its audience knows of the gravity of the story being told before the performance begins – but are still drawn in by its power nonetheless.

At the same time, poets often take different approaches when producing performances for Poetry Zapruder. Some may focus heavily on the tragedy of the event, others on its historic implications and many more on the humanity of the life of Zapruder himself. However, when the performance ends, many find themselves in somewhat the same emotional state – the real beauty of the entire experience is the sense of a human connection that transcends the distance in time between the story and its listener.

This is what truly sets Poetry Zapruder apart. Through its performances, listeners witness a unique type of art – one rooted in both sorrow and empowerment. On one hand, they experience the sadness of the tragedy. But they also experience the hope of a future, in which art can provide a way to heal wounds of the past.

The People Behind the Poetry

While individual Poetry Zapruder performances are unique and creative in their own right, the greatest strength of the event can be credited to the people behind it. For years, notable poets and artists have made significant contributions towards the impact of the event. In many ways, these are the people most responsible for Poetry Zapruder’s legacy.

The list of poets who have contributed to Poetry Zapruder is extensive, from the aforementioned Ventura and many more. But they all share a common purpose – to use their art to explore profound questions through a cultural and historical lens. As such, Poetry Zapruder performances often end with listeners feeling enlightened by the unexpected journey they have traversed.

Transformative Experiences

But what makes Poetry Zapruder performances so effective and so successful? Perhaps it comes down to its ability to offer therapeutic experiences for those who seek it. Through its performances, it can help individuals gain a greater understanding of their own lives, their surroundings and the traumatic and historical events that have shaped our lives. In many ways, Poetry Zapruder performances are as much about healing from the past as they are about understanding it.

In the decades since its conception, Poetry Zapruder has become a powerful tool for those who wish to explore the tragic events of the Kennedy assassination in an entirely unique way. In doing so, it has managed to extend the legacy of Zapruder’s name, transitioning it from that of tragedy to one of hope.

The Art of Time

But Poetry Zapruder isn’t just about the past. It is also a creative reminder of the possibility of a better future. As the years pass, new artwork inspired by the events of November 22nd, 1963 continues to be created, as do subjective interpretations of our present and future. As such, Poetry Zapruder performances provide a unique opportunity for people to experience a sliver of time, in both their own and that of history.

Time provides both the canvas and backdrop for the artwork created for a given Poetry Zapruder event. It tells the story behind the words, the video, and the artwork for the audience to consider. In doing so, it serves as a reminder that by revisiting the past, we can gain a greater understanding of our present and our future.

The Digital Future

Today, the power of Poetry Zapruder is being felt further than ever before. Across the internet, people around the world are taking part in events, recreating their own Poetry Zapruder performances that can be shared with millions. Such opportunities are not only bringing people closer together, but also providing a platform for the exploration and discovery of new artists and poets, to whom we can all relate.

Furthermore, with the advent of digital media, the future of Poetry Zapruder is hopeful. Now, anyone with internet access has the opportunity to discover and experience its unique power, and delve deep into the questions is posed. As such, there is little wonder why Poetry Zapruder has left such an indelible mark on contemporary culture, and why its power to evoke emotion shows no sign of fading.

Personal Relevance

But for all the grandiose sentiment that Poetry Zapruder performances have come to evoke, it’s important to remember what it boils down to for each individual. For everyone who has a Poetry Zapruder experience, no two are the same. It is a deeply personal event, in which the individual can both reflect upon their lives as well as the times that have long since passed.

At its core, Poetry Zapruder is a powerful reminder of the human capacity to evoke emotion and create meaningful art no matter how harsh the historical context is. It is the reminder that no matter how dark the times may seem, those who create art can continue to make something meaningful so long as they remain true to themselves.


In summary, Poetry Zapruder’s unique fusion of tragedy and art has proved to be a powerful tool for expression, healing and understanding. For better or for worse, Zapruder’s name and legacy will forever be intertwined with the Kennedy assassination. But with Poetry Zapruder, his legacy goes beyond the events of November 22nd, 1963 – it will always stand as a reminder of the healing power of both poetry and art.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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