Why Should We Study Poetry

The study of poetry is an essential part of learning language and culture. It encourages creativity, promotes an appreciation of language, and provides an opportunity to explore the depths of emotion and thought. It can also be used to understand our past and present, create new forms of expression, and explore different points of view. For these reasons and more, it is important to explore the study of poetry.

Studying poetry opens up the opportunity to appreciate language in its many forms, both written and spoken. It encourages us to think for ourselves and explore different aspects of language to create something personal and unique. It prompts us to learn how to express ourselves through words and develop our personal communication skills. It can also help to increase our knowledge of a language, particularly when studying a foreign language, by exploring the complexities of language, grammar, and literature.

Studying poetry also has the added benefit of stimulating the imagination, by allowing us to explore the world of possibilities through a variety of themes and styles. The study of traditional poetry can provide insights into the emotions and thoughts of people in the past, while modern poetry can help us to understand and gain insight into contemporary society. It can also demonstrate the power of language to express ideas and feelings, ultimately inspiring us to create our own works.

Furthermore, studies have shown that the study of poetry can improve mental health, particularly mood, feelings of well-being, and self-confidence. Poetry can be particularly beneficial for young people, as it can help them to channel their feelings, explore their identity, and develop resilience in the face of challenges. It can also foster development of empathy, by helping to understand the feelings of others.

The study of poetry can also offer a unique perspective on history and culture. Through a study of literary works, it is possible to gain an understanding of people and cultures in the past. By exploring texts written in different eras and by different authors, we can gain insight into the way people thought and lived in different times. It can also help us to gain a better understanding of ourselves and our own beliefs, as literature often reflects the values and attitudes of a society.

In conclusion, studying poetry is a valuable exercise that can help us to better understand language and culture, appreciate language and its forms, increase our knowledge of a language, stimulate the imagination, improve mental health, and gain a unique perspective on history and culture. Therefore, the study of poetry should be considered a worthwhile and interesting activity, and not just a task to be completed.


The study of poetry encourages us to let loose our creativity. Through writing and understanding poetry, we can learn how to express ourselves in unique ways and create a work of beauty or humour. By studying the works of famous poets, we can also gain inspiration for our own work and observe the techniques used to create particular effects.

It has also been suggested that the study of poetry can help us to become more creative in other areas, by teaching us how to think outside of the box. Poetry can open our minds to alternative interpretations and points of view, allowing us to explore ideas that might have otherwise gone unnoticed. By exploring different ways of thinking in poetry, we can also learn new ways of looking at the world and generate creative solutions to problems.

Not only can poetry help us to become more creative, it can also help us to express ourselves more effectively. By learning how to convey our ideas in an interesting, poetic way, we can make our writing more powerful and engaging. This can be a useful skill in both our personal and professional lives, as it helps us to communicate our ideas better and present ourselves in a more positive light.

Finally, the study of poetry can help us to see things from a different angle. By putting ourselves in the position of the writer of a poem, we can view the world through their perspective, which can open us up to different interpretations of events and spur us to think more deeply about a particular issue. This can be an invaluable tool in our creative pursuits.

Understanding of Language

The practice of studying poetry is also an excellent way to become more familiar with the language and its intricacies. Through the exploration of traditional and modern works, we can develop our scope and breadth of understanding, particularly with regards to grammar, vocabulary and structure. This can be invaluable in the development of our language skills and confidence in using a language.

One way to make the most of the language-learning aspect of poetry study is to focus on certain authors. By regularly reading and studying the works of a particular poet, we can gain a greater understanding of the language used. For example, if we were to delve into the works of Shakespeare, we would gain an appreciation for the use of fabulous imagery and cadence, thus developing an understanding of how he creatively used the language of his time.

Moreover, by researching the origins and variations of words, we can also develop an understanding of how language has evolved over time. This can help us to gain further insight into the works of different poets and cultures, as well as providing us with the tools to create more effective works of our own. Finally, understanding the rules of language and its variations can provide us with the principles that underlie the formation of any text, which can be useful in other forms of communication.

Expression of Feelings

One of the best qualities of poetry is its ability to express feelings. By learning how to write in a poetic style, we can find new ways to articulate our emotions, thoughts, and ideas. Through poetry, we can express our frustrations, joys, sadness, and hopes in a way that may be inaccessible through traditional forms of communication.

Additionally, the study of poetry can help to relax and de-stress us. Through the appreciation of language and beautiful imagery, we can gain a sense of solace and joy. Furthermore, reading poetry can provide us with a great deal of comfort, as certain writers may be able to relate to and understand our feelings better than other people, even if only through their words. This can be a great way to explore our emotions and find comfort during difficult times.

In addition, poetry can also be used to get out all the emotions and thoughts that are bottled up inside of us. By writing and reading poetry, we can find a way to express what is going on inside of us that is more meaningful and creative than simply talking it out. This can be an invaluable way to process our emotions and come to terms with difficult situations.

Exploration of Identity

The study of poetry can also be used as a tool for self-exploration. By gaining a better understanding of how poets from different backgrounds tackle the same topics, we can broaden our knowledge of the different cultures and ideologies of the world. This can be a powerful tool in discovering new ideas, which in turn can help us to form our own opinions and views on a variety of topics.

Furthermore, the exploration of our own feelings and ideas can help us to gain a better understanding of ourselves and our identity. Writing our own poetry can be especially effective in this regard, as it allows us to explore our own thoughts, feelings, and relationships, and gain an understanding of who we are and where we belong.

Additionally, reading the works of poets of diverse backgrounds can provide us with a broader perspective on the world, as well as allowing us to gain insight into the lives of others. By immersing ourselves in the works of poets from different backgrounds and cultures, we can gain a better understanding of how other people think and feel, which can benefit us in both our personal and professional lives.

Literary Analysis

The study of poetry can also involve a great deal of analytical thinking. By exploring traditional and modern works, we can gain greater insight into their meanings and messages. This can help us to understand the complexities of language, literature, and culture, as well as providing us with the tools to unravel the meaning behind any piece of text.

Further, the analysis of poetry can also help us to establish connections between different texts. Through exploration of the works of different authors and cultures, we can gain an insight into how our own works can link together, creating a ‘web’ of ideas. This can help us to interpret and digest the works of others more thoroughly, and use this knowledge to create powerful works of our own.

Additionally, the critical analysis of poetry can be applied on a wider scale, allowing us to gain an understanding of the movements and ideologies of a certain culture or period. Through exploring the works of a particular author or period, we can gain insights into how society functioned in that time and how certain aspects of culture have been reflected in the works of poetry. This can help us to gain a deeper and richer understanding of literature and broaden our perspective.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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