A Man’s Requirements By Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Overview of ‘A Man’s Requirements’ by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Elizabeth Barrett Browning was a highly respected British poet and playwright from the 1800s. She is best known for her many works of poetry such as Sonnets from the Portuguese, Aurora Leigh and The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim’s Point. In 1848 she wrote one of her most famous works, “A Man’s Requirements”, which is an anthem for her husband, Robert Browning. The poem is a song of praise for a man’s virtues; she espouses that men should embody qualities such as diligence, perseverance and faithfulness.


The poem is directed at her husband, Robert Browning. It is a declaration of her feelings of admiration and appreciation for the man she loves. He displays a clear display of loyalty and faithfulness to her when she lost her family’s favour by eloping with him as well as the protection he offers her. Her husband is also passionate and determined, which is demonstrated by the poem’s line “not soft is he, but strong”. She also acknowledges his commitment to his work and aspirations, as he had been trying to establish himself as a poet and playwright prior to their marriage. She uses the poem to show her gratitude for these qualities and her respect for the standard he sets.


The poem follows an ABCB rhyme scheme and is written in iambic tetrameter. Each stanza is composed of four lines and carries its own message. In the first stanza, Elizabeth Barrett Browning declares that a real man is able to provide comfort, protection and most of all, true love. Secondly, she claims that a man is expected to be loyal and courageous; the willingness to be resilient in the face of adversity and to persevere in his ventures. Lastly, the poem states that a man should remain humble and be generous in his life but also keep ‘sufficient’ pride in himself.

At the end of the poem, Elizabeth Barrett Browning uses her own love for her husband to convey how far a man should aim for in life. As a woman whose opinion was often dismissed, she has also highlighted the importance of respect. Even though this poem was originally written as a show of affection for her husband, it is a reminder that all men should strive to live up to the expectations of the ‘ideal’ man.


The message of ‘A Man’s Requirements’ is further enhanced with her use of imagery and symbolism. For example, the imagery of a lion being “calm or wild” and a “lion-heart beneath a woman’s hand” suggests a powerful and secure man who is not afraid to show his emotions while still having control of himself when needed. She also references Kings, making reference to men needing a ‘kingly heart’ in order to embody the spirit of both leadership and love. Furthermore, Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s use of language and her references to nature further emphasise how the ideal man should be.


In conclusion, Elizabeth Barrett Brownings’ poem ‘A Man’s Requirements’ is a testament to her admiration of her husband. It is a reminder of the qualities that any man should strive to embody and is a masterpiece of the romantic Victorian age. The poem serves as a tribute to real men who possess the virtues of loyalty and courage, humility and pride, and honour and ambition.


Elizabeth Barrett Browning wrote ‘A Man’s Requirements’ as a celebration of the man she loves, Robert Browning. She extols her husband for the virtues and values she sees in him, such as strength and faithfulness. Through this poem she reinforces the message that men should strive to live up to these virtues and that a man should be both strong and gentle. She acknowledges the importance of respect within relationship and that a man should be strong and humble in order to protect and care for those they love.


Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s poem provides an example of a man who is brave and resilient, who is unafraid to face the challenges that life throws his way. She refers to a lion’s courage, which is an animal with the strength and determination to succeed in the face of any adversity. Through this poem she shows that a man should be willing to confront any difficulty and have the courage to remain steadfast in any pursuit.


In ‘A Man’s Requirements’, Elizabeth Barrett Browning implies that a man should understand his own worth but also be able to remain humble. She refers to kings throughout the poem, highlighting that although a man should take pride in his achievements he should still be able to maintain humility and generosity to those he loves. This poem suggests that true strength is not just found in physical capabilities but also in a man’s understanding of his own emotions and the ability to remain humble.


Loyalty is another quality mentioned in this poem written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. In her poem she sets a standard for her husband, showing her belief in him being able to remain true and loyal to her. Her poem also demonstrates that loyalty is an essential aspect of any relationship, as she speaks of ensuring “heart-secrecy”. Through this poem she suggests that the ideal man should be willing to remain faithful and committed to those they value.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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