Did Maya Angelou Die

Let us start by discussing the question of whether Maya Angelou is still alive. The answer is no, Maya Angelou, one of the most significant American authors of all time, passed away on the 28th of May 2014. The renowned author, poet, actor, and civil rights activist died in Winston-Salem, North Carolina at the age of 86.

Maya Angelou (born Marguerite Ann Johnson) was a prolific author, and one of her most prominent works, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, is one of the first autobiographies in the U.S. to be written by an African-American woman. It was one of many books she wrote over the span of her lifetime which eventually earned her a Pulitzer Prize and the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Alongside her literary accomplishments, Angelou was a fierce and inspiring civil rights activist and also an actor, performing on stage and in films. She was a knowledgeable speaker, delivering several inspiring speeches throughout her career, and was a great source of knowledge and wisdom. She was an advocate for both gender equality, racial justice, and African-American rights.

Angelou was also a recognizable icon in the U.S. and abroad, with her commemorative coin and stamps released by the U.S. Postal Service. Even though it has been five years since Angelou’s passing, she will not soon be forgotten by her devoted fans. Her legacy lives on in her work as well as in works from other authors she has influenced.

Angelou’s death stirred vast grief among her fans, who showed their love for her with tributes in all forms of art, including music and images. The famous author’s passing sparked conversation worldwide on the power of her life, which was filled with growth and struggle. Several publications wrote pieces on Maya Angelou and her life, highlighting her inspiring journey and the love, wisdom, and passion with which she lived her life.

Now let us take a look back into the life of Maya Angelou to gain further insight on the circumstances of her death and legacy. Born in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1928, Maya Angelou’s turbulent upbringing would be a defining factor in her writings. She experienced periods of homelessness, abuse, and poverty which would later be widely documented in her works. In her most prominent work, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Angelou vividly paints the colorful and painful hardships of living as an African-American woman in the South in the 1930’s.


The childhood of Maya Angelou was not an easy one, as she was born to a single African-American mother. She moved between Arkansas and St. Louis frequently and her father left her at the young age of three. Angelou also endured hardship from a series of traumatic events, including being sexually abused at the age of eight.

The abuse at a young age caused her to become silent for five years and she dealt with this in her parents’ absence. Despite this, Angelou’s early years were also full of love and creativity. She was an avid reader, learning about classic poetry and philosophy, and began writing her own poetry at the young age of 14.

The turbulent upbringing of Angelou influenced her greatly and prompted her to explore language and creative literature. She received a scholarship to study dance and drama in California and eventually became a professional performer and dancer. After returning to San Francisco, she began to focus further on her writing.

In her early twenties, Angelou wrote her first book, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. This book was highly acclaimed and made her a major literary figure. It recounted her childhood and the racism she had experienced in the South which eventually garnered her several awards.

The writing of Maya Angelou stirred emotions and provided solace to the readers. It demonstrated to them the astounding power of the personal experience. In her poems and books, she spoke in a style simultaneously deeply human, progressive and spiritual. It was through her use of creative language that Angelou was able to convey raw experiences and feelings.


The success of her first book brought about a book deal for more autobiographies, the most successful one being the Gather Together in My Name. With the success of her works, Angelou became a celebrated figure achieving immense recognition from acclaimed organizations.

In 1993, she gave a powerful recitation of her poem, On the Pulse of Morning, at the first inauguration of President Bill Clinton. After this, she started to be in demand as a sought-after public speaker and was invited to provide motivational speeches as well as giving talks on race, politics, and African culture.

Her speech and poetry had an immense impact on people of all ages, including teenagers and the elderly alike. People praised Angelou’s ability to convey the power and harshness of life with her strong and emotive metaphors, her spirit and her meaningful words.

As well as being a speaker and writer, Angelou ventured into the acting world. In 1972, she starred in the television mini-series, Roots, alongside legends such as Cicely Tyson and Paul Winfield. In addition, she worked on a range of films and was highly praised for her acting abilities.

Towards the end of her life, Angelou turned back to her love for literature. Angelou published her final book, Mom & Me & Mom, in May 2013, which dealt with her difficult relationship with her mother during her own childhood.

Maya Angelou was an icon respected the world over, known for her courageousness and ability to rise above what life threw her way. She made a big mark on the world of literature, culture, and civil rights and would remain an inspiration to many.

How Did Maya Angelou Die?

On May 28, 2014, Maya Angelou sadly passed away in her home in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The cause of her death was not immediately disclosed to the public, but after investigations by her family and the medical examiner, it was reported that the cause of death was due to cardiac arrest while she had been struggling with health issues in the months prior to her death.

Tributes from a number of celebrities were posted on social media, including President Barack Obama and Nobel laureate Toni Morrison. The day of Angelou’s death was marked by several memorial services and tributes in her honor, including one at Alamo Square Park in San Francisco. Angelou was honored with the largest memorial service ever conducted in the city.

Months after her death, Angelou’s life was commemorated with a U.S. Postal Service stamp which was released in April 2015. In the same year, a commemorative coin was also issued in her honor and both stamps and coins serve as reminders of this great figure.

The death of Maya Angelou was a great loss to the literary world. Her legacy is evident with her works and the encouragement she gave to people to be brave and embrace their own stories, no matter their experiences. Her works will remain immortalized and her spirit will remain in the hearts of many readers.


Maya Angelou has left an outstanding impact on not only her readers but on society as a whole. She was an integral part in the civil rights movement and her voice for gender and racial justice was highly respected. Angelou also earned several accolades for her works during her lifetime.

As part of her recognition, Maya Angelou was awarded the Presidential Medal of Honor from Bill Clinton as well as the Academy of Achievement Golden Plate Award. She was also awarded the Ford Foundation’s 50th Anniversary Living Legacy Award as well as being recognized by many other organizations.

Angelou has left an outstanding imprint on the world of poetry and literature, influencing African-American writers and other authors worldwide. In the years since her death, Angelou has continued to inspire and be remembered all over the world.

Many individuals have shown their appreciation and love for Angelou, which is evident in the tributes and creative works that were created in her honor. Her legacy will live on as her fans and people from all walks of life continue to keep her memory alive.


Maya Angelou was a powerful influence on a range of individuals and was an integral part in changing the modern literary landscape. Her works depicted the struggles of being a black woman living in the South during the 1930s, ensuring that readers of all backgrounds and experiences could appreciate her works.

Angelou’s works encouraged readers to be comfortable in their own skin and be proud of their own stories. She acted as a role model to many and was an inspiration to millions. Because of Angelou’s works, many authors now feel empowered to share their stories in their own individual ways.

Angelou’s courage and strength have inspired young girls of color all over the world. Her works became a source of solace for those who felt unheard and underrepresented, and her strong presence in these works were an inspiration to a number of people.

Angelou was also a major influence on the civil rights movement, advocating for the protection and rights of African-Americans through her speech, books and poems. Angelou used her voice for societal justice and her works continue to impact people of all ages.

Angelou was a significant figure who left a lasting impact. Her work influenced the style of literature as well as being a major part of the social upheaval at a time of great change. Her spirit and courage have left a legacy behind memorable to many who had met her and to those who have been inspired by her work.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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