How To Blackout Poetry


Blackout poetry is a creative type of poetry where words are crossed out of a previously existing text and creative new poetry is formed. The words are carefully selected and edited to create new meanings and images to the text. This type of poetry is relatively new, being popularized by writers, teachers and spoken word artists. Taking inspiration from the visual art of collage, it is a creative way to make art and literature. Blackout poetry has become popular among writers and creative minds as it allows them to express themselves in new ways. It is a great way for writers to break away from traditional forms of poetry and challenge themselves to create something new.

Creating a Blackout Poem

Creating a blackout poem is relatively easy and can be done with any existing text. Begin by finding an existing text, such as an article, book, or even newspaper. Anything can be a potential source for a blackout poem. Skim the text, find words or expressions that stand out to you and draw your attention. After selecting the words or expressions, you can start crossing out words within sentences to form a new verse or line. Continue to edit the text until it reads like a poem and it has the meaning that you desire. It is important when creating a blackout poem to create coherence and meaning.

Challenge Yourself

Creating a blackout poem can be a great way to challenge yourself. Try to look at a text from a different perspective and create something meaningful from it. Playing with words and syntax can open up new ways of perceiving a text and create a different meaning for it. Writers can create a heartfelt message by choosing the words carefully and crafting the poem.

Poetry Books

Blackout poetry is becoming popular and inspiring many writers to create new pieces. Some of the well-known authors of blackout poetry include Austin Kleon, Kara Barbieri, and Kyle Webster. There are also several published blackout poetry books that can provide inspiration and guidance when creating your own pieces. These books offer insight into different styles of blackout poetry, as well as examples of how other writers have used the technique.

Creating a Space

Creating a blackout poem can be a great way to express your thoughts in a creative way. It can also be used to create a space for yourself to explore different topics and express your feelings. Blackout poetry can be used to express emotion and create a meaningful experience for the writer.

Sharing Your Work

After you have completed your blackout poem, you can share it with the world. You can post it on social media, or even share it with a publisher if you feel your work is good enough. Also, by sharing your work, you can open up more opportunities to get feedback from other writers, which can be extremely helpful in improving your craft.

Using Art as Inspiration

When creating blackout poetry, art can be a great source of inspiration. A great way to create a blackout poem is to combine words, imagery and colors to create an aesthetic work of art. By layering words and images you can create an aesthetically pleasing poem with a unique meaning.

Instagram Poetry

Social media has become a great platform for creative minds to express themselves. Instagram is one of the platforms where you can share your blackout poetry. It is a great way to share your work with the world and get feedback from other readers. You can also follow and interact with other blackout poets to get fresh new ideas.

Online Workshops

There are plenty of online workshops that offer guidance for creating blackout poetry. These workshops are a great way for new poets to get started and can even help experienced poets improve their work. Online workshops provide an opportunity for writers to learn about the different techniques, tips and tricks for creating the perfect blackout poem.

Using Dialogue

Using dialogue in blackout poetry can add an extra layer of depth to the poem. It can also help create an interesting story with vivid characters. The dialogue can be used to create tension between the characters and better illustrate the story you want to tell.

Using Different Word Counts

Using different word counts in blackout poetry can create an interesting effect. For example, you can use two or three words in each line of the poem to create a succinct and powerful piece. On the other hand, you can use longer lines with more words to create a more detailed poem. This technique can be used to emphasize certain words and add emphasis to certain lines and messages.

Using Unexpected Words

Using unexpected words in blackout poetry can create an interesting and unexpected twist to the poem. This technique can be used to emphasize certain words and create a unique and interesting rhetoric. By using unexpected words, you can create a more intriguing poem that can keep your reader guessing and engaged.

Technology and Poetry

Technology has become a great tool for many poets to express themselves. There are several apps and websites that can help poets create blackout poetry. These tools can provide a wide range of features such as the ability to add pictures and images, adjust the fonts and colors, and even add music to the poem. By using these tools, poets can create an aesthetically pleasing and unique poem.


Blackout poetry is an engaging and creative way to create poetry. By combining words, imagery and colors, poets can create an aesthetically pleasing poem with a unique meaning. Technology has also become a great tool for poets to express themselves, offering them a wide range of features to enhance their work. Blackout poetry can be a great way to express yourself, challenge your creativity and refine your craft.

Minnie Walters is a passionate writer and lover of poetry. She has a deep knowledge and appreciation for the work of famous poets such as William Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, and many more. She hopes you will also fall in love with poetry!

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