How To Celebrate World Poetry Day

Create an Atmosphere Fit for Poetry

When celebrating World Poetry Day, the atmosphere is just as important as the pieces being read. Inviting the right people and setting the mood can make for a wonderful evening for all attending. Start by selecting a location with attention to the acoustics. This can be done through trying out different spaces or bringing in sound equipment that allows for every word to be clearly heard.
Make sure the environment is comfortable enough for guests to stay for a few hours. Set-up some simple decorations with a few items related to poetry such as books, artwork and poems on the walls. Keeping light low and playing some background music in the background can help set the tone and give a relaxing ambiance.

Choose and Prepare Poetry Pieces

Before the event, when curating a selection of poetry, it is important to think of their guests’ taste and their purpose for the event. Do they want to bring attention to a certain poet or to certain themes? This is a great opportunity to introduce a variety of poetry and authors to the audience.
When deciding on the format of the readings, keep in mind whether a traditional or a more modern type of presentation will work best. In either case, make sure the readers are aware of the rules and are given enough time to prepare for their parts. Inform them of any guidelines, including their allotted time, how to pronounce words and where to pause for punctuation.

Make it Accessible for Everyone

A good way to honor World Poetry Day is to make sure everyone attending has the opportunity to take part in the celebration. Building a diverse audience is important in honoring differing perspectives and helping to spread the spirit of poetry.
If it is an open mic night, work towards ensuring that everyone who wants to share a piece is given a chance. Especially on World Poetry Day, there should be a friendly and encouraging environment in which guests feel comfortable enough to express themselves.
World Poetry Day provides a platform to bring together those who are passionate about the art. It is a day to be celebrated and to remember the importance of poetry.

Invite Professional Poets to Perform

In addition to open mic sessions, a great way to commemorate World Poetry Day is to invite professional poets to perform. It can be inspiring to hear someone with greater experience in poetry. With well-known stars, overall attention to the occasion is increased and more people are likely to join in the event.
Organizing a few professional readings between open mic sessions can give the night a more organized feel, but make sure to leave enough time for both. Above all else, it is important to provide an opportunity for everyone to be heard. It is beneficial to ensure that experienced professionals and newcomers to the craft both feel encouraged to take part.

Create an Open Discussion about Poetry

At the end of each reading, it can be a great opportunity to encourage conversation about what was read. World Poetry Day should be a day where people feel comfortable to talk and debate about poetry. Ask the audience to share their own interpretations and what the piece embodied for them. This would add to the meaningfulness of the event overall.
Furthermore, it is beneficial to talk to the readers and get the spotlight on them as well. At the end of their readings, ask them to explain why they chose the piece and what themes and messages they feel it sends out.

Allow Space for Poets to Socialize

At the end of the evening, it is important to make sure that those who love poetry get to bond and enjoy each other’s company. Allow some time for the poets, who gathered for the occasion, to mingle and continue their conversations about the craft for a few minutes, without formal rules or guidance.
Finally, guests will likely want a commemorative item to take home with them as a reminder of that special evening. Consider leaving some notebooks and pens for guests to use, so that they may write down their thoughts and memories from the event.

Encourage Writing Your Own Poetry

Although attending readings and discussing what others have written is invaluable, it is also important to recognize and reflect the power of writing yourself. World Poetry Day is a great time to offer writing prompts and encourage people to step out of their comfort zone and try writing a poem.
It is beneficial to provide the group with advice on how to create poetry, including tips on forming the structure, choosing words and developing each idea. Having some extra paper and pens on hand is always a great help for any first-time poets.

Promote World Poetry Day Using Social Media

Once the event is finished, World Poetry Day should not be forgotten. One way to ensure it doesn’t slip away is to promote it through social media. After the event, post pictures of the guests on the chosen platform and promote the event with a hashtag.
This will encourage others to read poetry, discuss it and recognize it as an art form. Additionally, it serves as a great way to show everyone all the wonderful events that happened during World Poetry Day and to keep the celebration alive.

Encourage Poetry Submissions and Collaborations

In order to keep the spirit of World Poetry Day going, it is important to stay connected with guest poets. Ask poets to submit any books, anthologies or projects they are working on, this is an encouraging push for them to continue creating beautiful poetry.
Gather contact information and stay in touch with all the poets you met throughout the event. This will allow them to collaborate and share ideas throughout the year. With this kind of connection, the celebration of World Poetry Day won’t end at its conclusion.

Minnie Walters is a passionate writer and lover of poetry. She has a deep knowledge and appreciation for the work of famous poets such as William Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, and many more. She hopes you will also fall in love with poetry!

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