How To Get My Poetry Out There

Starting Out

Writing poetry is no easy task. Putting your feelings, thoughts and ideas down into a few words can take a lot of creativity and skill. But it is not enough to just write poetry, it needs to be shared and read. If you are looking to get your poetry out there, there are various steps you can take.
The first step is to familiarize yourself with popular publications. Take your time to look through poems that you enjoy and note down the kind of style, themes or topics those poets write about. You can also check out online and print publications and look into websites, online magazines and blogs that feature poetry. Taking notes on the different kinds of poem styles, topics, and publication styles that you encounter is a great way to get familiar with the type of poetry being read out there.

Polishing Your Poetry

Once you’ve familiarised yourself with the type of poetry being written, it is time to start writing and finetuning your own poems. Before submitting your poetry to any publication, it is important to make sure that it is written to its full potential. Receiving feedback from people will help you to make your poem better by understanding the opinion of others and by allowing you to gain insight from different views. This can make a huge difference when submitting it to publications.
You could also look into joining a local poetry group or attending a poetry reading to gain more knowledge about writing and publishing poems. Even being part of an online community for poets can help inspire and motivate you.


Once you’re confident that you have a few polished poems, you can start submitting them to publications. Doing a bit of research can be beneficial when submitting poems as each publication or magazine have individual guidelines and requirements that you should be aware of.
Before you start submitting your work, it is important to make sure you read other poets’ work that is being published by the same magazine or publication to understand the flavor and style of submissions they prefer. Additionally, it may be useful to look into other places that accept submissions as well.

A Portfolio

Creating your own portfolio or website to showcase your poems is an effective way to get your work out there. This could be a platform where you can feature finished work or post drafts and works-in-progress. Posting your work online will also make it easier for people to share and recommend your work with an even larger audience. Social media is also a great platform to advertise your work as it is a quick and easy way to get your name out there.

Styles and Genres

When it comes to making your poetry stand out, writing about different topics and in different styles can be a great way to spice things up. As poetry does not have a specific genre, it can be enjoyable and fulfilling to create work in various styles such as free verse, narrative, haikus and more. Incorporating your own style is a great way to make your work unique and more attractive.

Genre Tests

When you are comfortable and confident with your writing, it is a great idea to challenge yourself by entering competitions or genre tests. Participating in such contests and tests will allow you to practice your poetry and have the opportunity to have it judged by experts, while also getting the chance to win awards and other prizes!

The Art Of Networking

Networking is an incredible way to get your poetry noticed. Building a support system with fellow poets, readers, or publishers may be beneficial to you as it opens up opportunities for collaborations and further engagements with the public. Establishing a connection with reviewers and connecting with editors enables you to show your work to a greater audience and with such connection, they may even accept new work from you and potentially provide advice to help you become the best poet you can be.

Creating Opportunities

Creating opportunities for yourself can be equally as beneficial and helpful. Search for readings or events which you can attend, and maybe even offer to read some of your poems publicly. This provides an excellent opportunity to build a connection with readers and interact with them. You could even create a chapbook of your poems and aim to self-publish or submit to a publisher.


Pitching your work to various publications and editors is a great way to get your work out there. In order to successfully pitch, it is essential to do your own research and tailor your pitch in order to increase your chances of getting accepted.


A great way to get your work out there is to focus on the presentation of your poetry. No matter how good the poem may be, it is important for the reader to be captivated and enchanted by the text. This can be done by experimenting with typefaces, illustrations, and different fonts to make the page more presentable and in line with the genre of the poem.


When all is looked after, you can begin submitting your work to online and print publications. Keep in mind that different publications require different steps to complete when submitting a piece of work and ensure that you follow any necessary guidelines or word counts.


Regardless of whether you decide to self-publish or have your work published by a publisher, it is important to get the word out about your collection of poems. It can be beneficial to create an online presence where readers can see the type of work you do. Creating posts or using hashtags related to your genre or particular poem is a great way to help readers discover your work. Additionally, it is a great idea to create marketing campaigns, as well as team up with magazines, blogs or other publications when promoting your work.

Networking With Social Media

Engaging with readers on social networks such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook is a great idea. This can help you gain more followers and followers may even be encouraged to share your work with their own followers.


Collaborating with other poets or fellow creatives can be an interesting and enjoyable journey. Participating in spoken-word events or poetry slams is a great way to meet new people and grow your connections. You can brainstorm with other poets, have discussions or debates on various styles and topics, as well as work together to create something new and different.


Printing your work will help your work reach readers in a much larger scale. You can choose to have your work printed by a professional printer or you can take the DIY approach and customise your own booklets and chapbooks. This will not only make your work look more professional but also provides readers with a tangible experience.

Writing Prompts And Exercises

Practicing your craft is essential if you want to become successful in writing poetry. Writing each day is also an effective way to improve your writing and make it much better. Using writing prompts and exercises to your benefit can help encourage you to write and come up with ideas if you are ever stuck for inspiration.

A Journal

Keeping track of your writing journey is important, which can be done with a journal. Documenting your writing process and taking note of your struggles and successes is a great way to motivate yourself. Not only this, but it is also likely to have some poems that have not been shared or released yet. Keeping a journal is a great place to store your unfinished work and come back to it at a later date.

Receiving Feedback

Asking for opinions and feedback can help you gain a better understanding of your writing, as well as valuable insight into improving your work. It is a good idea to get feedback from various people, as their views and opinions can help you decide if you want to share your work or if it needs more work.


It is inevitable for some of your poems to get rejected. No matter how small your writing accomplishments may be, you should be proud of them. It is important to stay true to yourself and write about topics that you care about, rather than writing for fame and recognition. If you are ever feeling disheartened, stay encouraged by continuing to work on your craft and remember that rejections can be just as important as acceptances; each one can teach you something new.

Minnie Walters is a passionate writer and lover of poetry. She has a deep knowledge and appreciation for the work of famous poets such as William Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, and many more. She hopes you will also fall in love with poetry!

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