How To Quote Multiple Lines Of Poetry

When quoting multiple lines of poetry, formatting the text correctly is essential to preserve the intended meaning and flow of the poem. HTML provides a simple way to add multiple line quotations of poetry to an online document. While incorporating these short lines of text into a website or blog, it is important to keep the poem’s original structure intact.
In HTML, longer quotes are displayed as block elements. To quote multiple lines of poetry in HTML, the

element is used. The blockquote has an attribute called cite which is used to store the reference or the URL of a website, book or other source which the quote has been taken from. This attribute is optional but it is highly recommended when quoting poetry, as it is important to give credit to the poet who wrote it.
One way of quoting multiple lines of poetry is to wrap each line in quotation marks and use paragraph tags to denote each line. This method is useful as it ensures that no matter the length or structure of the original poem, each line will be formatted correctly. For multiple lines of poetry that are not broken up, use the

tag and separate each line with a ‘
’ tag like so:

“Be the sea of the night,
The deep and the high,
And share your bright blaze
Of life in the sky.”

Another way of quoting multiple lines of poetry is to simplify the formatting. This method of markup is achieved by not using quotation marks and instead wrapping each line in the

tag. This approach is useful if the original poem is discontinuous and has a lot of line breaks. For example:

Be the sea of the night,

The deep and the high,

And share your bright blaze

Of life in the sky.

It is also possible to use tags inside paragraps to indicate lines within a poem. This method of markup is useful when there are specific words or phrases within a stanza which should be emphasized or highlighted. For example:

Be the sea of the night,

The deep and the high,

And share your bright blaze

Of life in the sky.

When adding poetry to an online document, it is important to remember that the HTML tags may break up the poem in an unintended way which could alter the meaning or meter of the poem. To create a more aesthetically pleasing design, it is possible to add additional formatting such as italic, bold or underlined text, which can be achieved by using css classes attached to HTML tags.
It is also important to consider using a script tag to enclose the text. This feature is useful when displaying multiple odd-looking characters or when dealing with long lines of poetry which are difficult to break up into lines correctly. For example:

No matter the method used to quote poetry, it is important to keep in mind the intended meaning and structure of the poem. As with all other HTML elements, the

and tags should be used in conjunction with other HTML elements, such as the

and the
tags, to ensure that the poem is properly and accurately formatted.

Poetic Terminology

Poetic terminology plays an essential role in conveying the meaning and emotion of a poem. It is important to ensure that the correct words and/or phrases are used when quoting multiple lines of poetry. Without the correct poetic terminology, the quote may be misinterpreted and the poem may be misrepresented.
Terms such as ‘meter,’ ‘rhyme,’ and ‘alliteration’ are commonly used in poetry and can have a profound effect on the poem’s syntax. Understanding these words and phrases is essential to quoting poetry accurately and accurately conveying the intended meaning.
Meter refers to the regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry. Rhyme refers to words that have matching sounds at the end of lines. Alliteration refers to the repetition of consonants at the start of words.
Including the correct poetic terminology is important when quoting multiple lines of poetry to ensure that the meaning and message of the poem is not lost in the quote.

Preserving The Author’s Intentions

When quoting multiple lines of poetry, the primary goal should be to preserve the poet’s original meaning and message. This is achieved by ensuring that the HTML markup is accurate and preserves the original structure and syntax of the poem.
It is important to note that when quoting multiple lines of poetry, the author’s intentions must be taken into consideration. Poets use language in a very specific and precise way and it is essential that these intentions are preserved when quoting poetry.
When it comes to formatting the text, it is important to consider the poem’s structure and meter. Poets often use a variety of different techniques such as alliteration, rhyme and meter which should be interpreted correctly when quoting multiple lines of poetry.
Likewise, it is important to remember that a poem’s emotion can be conveyed much more effectively than its meaning alone. Quoting a poem’s emotion is an important part of conveying its true meaning and message.

Accurately Representing Poetry

Accurately representing a poem when quoting multiple lines is essential. When quoting a poem, the reader should not just be presented with the words but with the entire context of the poem. To ensure the reader is presented with the correct context, certain elements of a poem need to be emphasized, such as the line breaks, punctuation and font.
It is important to ensure that the line breaks – denoted by a ‘
’ tag – are placed in the correct areas as they often carry a great deal of meaning. Making sure that punctuation is used in the same way as in the original poem is also important. Lastly, using the same font as the original poem helps to create an accurate representation of the poem.

Integrating Poetry in Webpages

Poetry can be an effective way to add depth and emotion to a website or blog. When it comes to integrating poetry, HTML provides a simple and effective way to format the text and make sure it is displayed correctly.
When integrating poetry into a webpage, it is important to consider the poem’s message, meter, syntax and emotion. It is also important to use HTML tags such as the

and tags to ensure that the poem is accurately formatted.
Additionally, it is important to remember to use the ‘cite’ attribute with the

tag when referring to a source. This attribute stores the reference or URL of the source and is used to credit the poet or author.


When quoting multiple lines of poetry, formatting the text correctly is essential to preserve the intended meaning and flow of the poem. HTML provides a simple and effective way to accurately quote multiple lines of poetry. This can be achieved by using the

and tags and ensuring that the poem’s message, meter, syntax and emotion are accurately represented. Additionally, it is important to use the ‘cite’ attribute with the

tag when referring to a source.

Minnie Walters is a passionate writer and lover of poetry. She has a deep knowledge and appreciation for the work of famous poets such as William Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, and many more. She hopes you will also fall in love with poetry!

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