What Inspired Walter Dean Myers To Write Poetry

Childhood Influences

Walter Dean Myers was born in the Harlem neighborhood of New York City in 1937. Growing up in Harlem, he witnessed racism, poverty, and social unrest first hand, which would later become themes in his writing. He was raised in poverty by his foster parents and did not have access to the same resources that other students did. His foster parents encouraged him to read, and as a result, Myers developed an appreciation for literature and poetry. He also had a strong interest in jazz music and hip-hop culture. All of these elements would influence his poetry and provide him with ideas to write about.

Early Pursuits

Myers began writing poetry as a teenager and would often use it as an outlet to express the difficult emotions he was experiencing. He was also interested in acting and was a member of the Artichoke Acting Company. His early years spent as an actor shaped his writing and later writing style. He taught himself how to use words as a way of creating emotion and subjectivity in his stories.

Military Service

In 1955, Myers worked with the military for three years. During this time, he was inspired by the people he worked with and by the military culture. He wrote a book about his experiences called The Moon by Night. This book was the first of his works to gain attention and recognition. The idea of loyalty and heroism resonated in much of his work and this was also reflected in his writing. The military experience also provided Myers with an appreciation of literature and writing as means of expressing emotion and telling stories.

Writing Career

Myers’ writing gained much attention and he went on to write and publish several books. He often wrote about difficult social issues, particularly racism and poverty, which were themes he experienced firsthand in his childhood. He wrote poetry to explore his own life and those around him and express his feelings with regard to his childhood experiences. Many of his poems explored complex topics such as death, war, love, and relationships.
Myers wrote in a variety of styles and experimented with different techniques. He was also able to create vivid and emotionally charged characters, as he drew on his own experiences and those of others he spoke to. He wrote in a variety of genres, including poetry, novels, and essays. He was particularly acclaimed for his young adult fiction, which often had dark themes.


Myers passed away in 2014 but left behind a rich body of work. His books have inspired future generations of writers and are still popular today. He was the first recipient of the Coretta Scott King Award for his outstanding contribution to African-American literature and was also a National Book Award Winner. He was an advocate for young people and a mentor for aspiring authors.

Synthesis of Influences

Walter Dean Myers’ unique style of poetry was a synthesis of his early influences, particularly those from his hometown in Harlem. His work was shaped by his personal experiences of poverty, racism, and inequality. He was also able to draw on his military service and the tales he heard of heroism and courage. Additionally, the jazz and hip-hop music he enjoyed as a child would find its way into his writing. Through his powerful use of language, Myers was able to use poetry to tell powerful stories and express his own feelings and emotions.

Themes and Techniques

Myers’ work often dealt with difficult topics such as racism, poverty, war, and death. He had a unique writing style that combined aspects from different genres. He could create vivid characters, and his work often contained an element of heroism or courage. His poetry was able to evoke powerful emotions and explored difficult topics in a thoughtful and meaningful way.

Recognition and Critical Reception

Myers’s work was extensively acclaimed by both readers and critics. He was the first recipient of the Coretta Scott King Award and was also the National Book Award Winner. He was praised for his ability to capture complex emotions and his realistic portrayals of life in Harlem. He had an incredible ability to use words to invoke emotion and write powerful stories.


Myers was a mentor for young writers and showed them that through hard work and dedication, their writing could have a powerful impact. He believed in young people and wanted them to see themselves represented in literature. He showed them that through reading and writing their own stories, they could tell their own stories. He provided guidance and insight to many aspiring authors and gave them the courage to pursue a career in writing.


Myers’ writing had a huge impact on me, personally, as a reader and a writer. His work can be seen as a glimpse into life in Harlem, with its hardships, but also its beauty. His poems were so powerful and evoked so much emotion, no matter the subject. He was able to create stories that resonated with me and that I could relate to. By reading his work, I was able to gain an understanding of the struggles many people face and gain insight into how to tackle these issues. I believe Myers was a great mentor, writer, and poet and I believe his work will continue to inspire generations to come.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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