What To Do With My Poetry

As a poet, it is important to make your work available to new audiences. Social media is one of the most cost-effective and least time-consuming ways to share your poetry, especially if you’re wary of taking up too much of your time with marketing. Sites like Instagram and Twitter give you a platform to showcase your work, while Facebook has proven to be a powerful way to promote your content.
Make sure you use hashtags with your posts to make them more searchable, and consider partnering with other poets or creating a dedicated page or account to help you publicize your work. Reach out to relevant people in other areas such as books, magazines, or art and create relationships and collaborations to help get your work seen.

Consider Self-Publishing

Self-publishing books of your poetry is a great way to have a physical record of your work, plus you can use it to help build your reputation as an author. The cost of self-publishing a book of poetry isn’t particularly high, and if you have an eye for design, you can even create your own cover art.
Once your book has been published, there are a few avenues to consider for getting the word out. You can start by sending it to local magazines, blogs, or newspapers with review and interview possibilities, or to bookstores if you feel they’d be willing to stock and sell it. You can use social media to promote the book too, by using ads and boosting posts. Start by creating a hashtag and doing giveaways or contests with linked book purchases.

Organize & Participate In Poetry Slams

Attending and participating in poetry slams is a great way to get yourself and your work out there. Events like this help to bring together poets from all walks of life to express themselves and perform their work. If you’re comfortable enough to participate in one, it can be an amazing career-building experience.
What’s more, there may be opportunities for you to host or organize your own poetry slams. Having a strong presence in the slam community can open other doors for you such as performance offers, reviews, and interviews.

Submit Your Poetry To Competitions & Publications

In addition to joining poetry slams, submitting your work to competitions and publications can have a great impact on the success of your career.
Some competitions are international, meaning they are open to poets from all over the world. While it’s always great to enter competitions, having your work featured on the pages of major publications is even better. Doing so provides long-term promotion and public exposure and could make your work very visible to a wide array of potential audiences.

Create An Author Website

Creating an author website is another great way to promote your work. Having your own website allows you to host your own content, such as poems, stories, etc. Depending on the platform you use, you can even offer a free download of your poems or stories.
Creating an author website also means that you can have a central hub for all of your work. Not only can you include links to published works, but you can also point potential readers to reviews, interviews, and other promotional material. This will help people to find out more about you and your work in one place.

Create A YouTube Channel for Your Poetry Uploads

For poets who don’t mind being in the spotlight and are willing to try something a bit different, creating a YouTube channel is a great way to promote your work. This type of platform is incredibly versatile and has the potential to reach a wide audience.
Whether you prefer to upload videos of yourself reading your work or creating annotated slideshows, you’re sure to find an audience who enjoy your work. Experiment with different styles and formats to see what resonates with viewers.

Harness The Power Of Podcasts

Podcasts are hugely popular right now and there are many opportunities for poets to get involved. If you feel comfortable with recording, look into feature readings of your work or even having your own show.
You can also join conversation-based shows as a guest, talking about your work, process, and experiences as a poet. Building your presence on podcast platforms can help to increase exposure, especially if you’re able to get featured on popular shows.

Turn Your Poetry Into Merchandise

Turning your poems into physical merchandise is a great way to monetize your work and provide fans with a tangible way to show their appreciation. It’s also an effective way to establish a unique form of brand recognition.
Merchandise featuring your work can range anywhere from t-shirts, mugs and tote bags to postcards, notebooks, and art prints. You can create your physical products and use platforms like Etsy or Redbubble to sell and market them. This is a great way to spread the word and provide some additional financial compensation in exchange for your hard work and dedication.

Teach Poetry Writing In Schools

As a poet, you have the knowledge and talent to teach your craft to others. If you’re interested in teaching and you have the necessary qualifications, you could also consider teaching creative writing and poetry in schools.
Teaching can be a great way to share your knowledge and help others to develop their writing skills. It could also open doors to other opportunities, such as lectures and writing workshops. This way, you’ll be able to reach larger audiences and further promote and share your work.

Network With Other Writers & Poets

One of the best ways to get your work seen and heard is to build relationships with other poets and authors. Attend events and conventions, join forums and groups, or follow your peers on social media to learn more about their experiences as a writer.
By having a presence in other areas you can increase your chances of getting noticed, as well as building a network of potential collaborators for projects like anthologies and readings. Establishing yourself in the poetry community can have a great impact on the success of your career.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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