What Is Love Spoken Poetry

What is Love Spoken Poetry?

Love spoken poetry is a way to express emotions of love, passion and connection in a way that can be spoken aloud with music and rhythm. It’s a beautiful way for artists to write and express themselves with emotion, often being one of the most powerful forms of communication. This style of poetry has been around for centuries, although the term ‘Love Spoken Poetry’ wasn’t coined until relatively recently.

The foundations of Love Spoken Poetry can be found in the ancient oral culture, where songs were passed down through generations, sometimes with improvised word play and rhyme. It’s believed that this form of expression originated from African American slaves who used music and rhythm to carry stories and messages of love, hope and strength.

Today, Love Spoken Poetry honours this heritage and tradition in a modern form. It is now popular in many countries around the world, with performers singing a variety of styles of poetry across different genres and cultures. Many contemporary Love Spoken Poets create their own unique styles, focusing on specific themes of love, loss and heartache, while others focus on heightened self awareness or express their thoughts on a broader spectrum of issues.

When Love Spoken Poetry is used effectively, it can evoke deep emotions amongst audiences. Poets are able to use their craft to leave a lasting impact on an audience, long after their performance has ended. The right combination of words, music and rhythm can evoke intense emotions of love, empathy and connection. There is something special about being able to portray individual stories, experiences, and emotions through poetry, and being able to draw out the most personal moments of connection from an audience.

Love Spoken Poetry is powerful not just because of its ability to evoke emotions, but also because of its potential for inspiring change and sparking conversations in society. It has been used as a tool for inspiring dialogue on controversial issues, from race and politics to gender and social justice.

Love Spoken Poetry has become increasingly popular in recent years, with the rise of poetry slams and open mic nights across the country and around the world. It’s a great way for poets to share their stories in a supportive environment, and can be an important form of catharsis for some.

The Power of Language

One of the great strengths of Love Spoken Poetry is its power of language. A great poet is one who can string together the right words in the right order to create the perfect mood and atmosphere. They are able to play with the language, creating a unique and powerful story from everyday words. They have an intimate knowledge of the power of language, in all its forms, and use this knowledge to create beautiful, meaningful pieces of work.

The way that a Love Spoken Poet is able to evoke emotion in an audience relies heavily on their command of language. They must craft the perfect rhythms, lyrical phrasings and word choices to express their thoughts and feelings. It’s a precise art that takes years of experience and practice to perfect.

The Impact of Love Spoken Poetry

The impact of Love Spoken Poetry can be felt far and wide. It has the capacity to transcend barriers of culture and language, and connect people on an emotional level. When performed well, it can evoke tears, laughter and applause in an audience.

Love Spoken Poetry provides a platform where people can share stories, express their feelings and create a sense of connection and solidarity. As a form of expression, it has aided social movements, such as the civil rights and feminist movements, by providing an avenue to express grievances and experiences in an emotionally powerful way.

Tips for Writing Love Spoken Poetry

Writing Love Spoken Poetry can be a challenging and rewarding exercise. For aspiring poets, there are some tips and tricks for getting started. Firstly, focus on the emotion you want to evoke. Whether it’s joy, sorrow, hope or anger, tap into this emotion and let it drive the poem. Secondly, be conscious of the language you’re using, and the words that resonate most with you. Lastly, practice your piece several times before delivering it to an audience, so that you are comfortable with the flow and delivery.

It can also be helpful to share your work with others, to get feedback and make improvements. There are poetry workshops and slams where you can share your work, as well as online forums and websites where you can submit your work and receive feedback.


Love Spoken Poetry is a beautiful and powerful way to express emotions of love, passion and connection. It has the capacity to evoke emotions in people, and can be used as a tool for inspiring dialogue and sparking conversations. If you’re interested in exploring this form of expression, there are tips and techniques for getting started.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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