What Is The Pulitzer Prize For Poetry


The Pulitzer Prize for Poetry is a prestigious poetry prize established in 1918. It is awarded on an annual basis by Columbia University to a poet of exceptional talent and accomplishment in the field of poetry. Each year, three poets are honored with the Pulitzer Prize as finalists, and one poet is chosen as the winner. The award offers widespread recognition and an honorarium of $15,000. The Pulitzer Prize for Poetry offers an opportunity to recognize some of the best talent in the creative community and to bring attention to a field often overlooked.

What it takes to win

To be eligible for the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry, a poet must have published at least one book of poems that has been reviewed by at least one professional literary magazine. The judging process is highly competitive and involves a panel of three judges, chosen from a pool of more than 200 leading poets, critics and authors from across the country. After reading and considering the submitted works, the judges decide on a winner based on several criteria, including the poet’s technical knowledge, craftsmanship and ambience, originality and freshness of vision, impact within and beyond contemporary American poetry, mastery of language, and adherence to traditional poetic forms.

Past winners of the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry

The first Pulitzer Prize for Poetry was awarded in 1922 to Edwin Arlington Robinson for his work “The Man Who Died Twice.” Since then, many other poets have been recognized for their extraordinary works. Past winners include Robert Penn Warren (1947), T. S. Eliot (1948), Elizabeth Bishop (1956), Sylvia Plath (1982), Elizabeth Alexander (2009), Sharon Olds (2013) and Susan Howe (2014).

The impact of the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry

The Pulitzer Prize for Poetry has had a lasting influence on the creative community. Many of the Award’s past winners have gone on to become some of the most renowned poets in the United States. The Pulitzer Prize for Poetry has also helped to raise the profile of poetry and of the poets who have been recognized by the award. By highlighting these amazing poets, the prize has served to inspire and encourage new writers to take up poetic pursuits. The Pulitzer Prize also opens up possibilities for the awarded poets, with opportunities for publication, teaching and residencies.

Criticism of the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry

The Pulitzer Prize for Poetry has come under criticism for being too narrowly focused. It is seen as privileging certain techniques and styles, primarily traditionalist and modernist works, while largely neglecting other poetic genres such as rap and spoken word. This has caused some to argue that it is an elitist award. Additionally, critics also argue that the Prize has become too reliant on personal connections between the judges and the poets, leading to bias in the judging process. In recent years, the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry has come under increasing pressure to become a more inclusive and equitable prize.

The Role of the Pulitzer Prize in the Poetry Community Today

Despite its flaws, the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry continues to have a major role in the poetry community. It stands as a beacon of excellence and a platform for connecting poets with a wider audience. It is a reminder of the impact that poetry can have on lives and a recognition of the poets who take up its cause. The Pulitzer Prize for Poetry continues to be an important prize in the literary world, and for many poets, it is the highest honor an author can attain.

Changes to the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry

In an effort to make the Pulitzer Prize a more inclusive award, many changes have been proposed. These include broadening the scope of eligible works to include more genres of poetry, expanding the jury to include more diverse voices, and increasing the award money. These proposed changes highlight the importance of the Pulitzer Prize and its significance in the poetry community.


The Pulitzer Prize for Poetry is one of the most prestigious awards in the creative field. It honors the accomplishments of the poet and recognizes their impressive craftsmanship and talent. Although the Pulitzer Prize has its flaws, it continues to make an important impact on the poetry community. By recognizing great poets, it serves to inspire and encourage new writers. The importance of the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry is clear, and its role in the literary world is continuing to expand.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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