When I Think About Myself Maya Angelou Poem

When I think about Maya Angelou’s poem, I’m reminded of all the ways she empowered women. The poem, titled “Phenomenal Woman,” celebrates female strength and expresses self-confidence in a powerful way. Angelou’s poem personifies womanhood, and it speaks to a core truth: all women have power, regardless of age, race, or size. As a woman, I find solace in her words, as they remind me that I have the power to be extraordinary.

There’s something special in the way Angelou pushes boundaries in her poem. The purposeful use of assertive language helps make the poem’s message clear: the “phenomenal woman” is one who’s fully self-actualized, gracious, at peace with her body, and unashamed of her femininity. Despite all of these traits, she owns her power. In a sense, Angelou speaks for all women—the ones who might not feel powerful enough to stand up for themselves.

In the poem, Angelou directs her attention to inner beauty, which resonates with me. As a girl growing up, I felt judged for my physical appearance by people around me. Angelou’s poem encourages me to take my attention away from society’s pressures and to instead focus on the aspects of myself that truly matter. She affirms that true power comes from within, and that is something I continue to carry with me today.

Angelou’s poem reminds me that I’m in control of my own destiny. By taking ownership of my power, I can triumph over any challenge that comes my way. It speaks to an alternative version of strength, one that arises from within. I’m empowered to take risks and to choose the path that’s best suited for me. Angelou’s poem is a reminder that my confidence and strength come from within myself.

The poem is also a reminder that I can stand up for other women, too. As I reflect on the poem, I’m reminded of how I can use my power to help make the world a better place for other women. Despite our inherent differences, Angelou acknowledges the unique strength of each individual, and I’m motivated to do the same.

Finally, Angelou’s poem encourages me to find appreciation for the little moments in my everyday life. In her words, I’m reminded that life can be beautiful and joyous, even in the face of darkness. Her bold celebration of life, despite the challenges surrounding us, serves as a powerful reminder of what can happen when we find the courage to keep pushing on. Angelou’s message of strength and courage is something that I carry with me every day.


Maya Angelou’s poem is a powerful reminder of the resilience it takes to keep moving forward in life. As she writes, “I laugh like I’ve got gold mines/Digging in my own backyard.” This phrase speaks to the strength of the “phenomenal woman” in the poem, and reminds me to remain strong in the face of life’s greatest challenges. Angelou’s message of resilience and determination gives me courage, and I’m reminded of the importance of never giving up, despite the odds.

Angelou’s poem also speaks to the ability of people to rise above all challenges and to find beauty in life’s darkest moments. In her words, “I rise/I’m a woman/Phenomenally/Phenomenal woman.” Angelou reminds me that no situation is insurmountable, and she encourages me to have faith that I can rise above any obstacle that life throws my way. This message of optimism serves as a reminder of the power of the human spirit, and it gives me confidence that I can overcome any challenge that comes my way.

The poem is also a reminder of the importance of self-reflection. Through her words, I’m encouraged to take a step back and reassess my thoughts and beliefs. I’m reminded that I have the power to choose how I want to live my life, and I’m encouraged to be honest, gracious, and vulnerable. As I reflect, I’m reminded to embrace my inner power and to have faith that I have the resilience to continue pushing forward.

Angelou’s words are a reminder that I have the power to be who I want to be, despite any obstacles I’m facing. The poem encourages me to be courageous, to take risks, and to take ownership of my future. I’m reminded that I have the power to shape my life in the way I choose, and I’m encouraged to continue striving towards my goals. I’m given the confidence to trust that I can overcome any challenge and to find joy in life’s darkest moments.

Vulnerability and Grace

Maya Angelou’s poem is a powerful reminder of the beauty of vulnerability and grace. In her words, I’m reminded of how powerful it can be to take off the masks I wear and to truly be myself. Her words encourage me to embrace my unique qualities, insecurities, and strengths, and to celebrate my authentic self instead of striving for perfection.

Angelou’s poem speaks to the idea of owning our stories, regardless of what society’s standards may be. In her words, I’m reminded that I’m allowed to take up space and to live my truth. The poem encourages me to find confidence in my story, and it reminds me that embracing vulnerability is a brave act. Through her words, I’m given courage to push aside societal pressures and to find courage in my own truth.

Angelou’s poem also speaks to the power of forgiving oneself. She reminds me that mistakes are part of life, and that I must be gentle with myself and find ways to show myself grace during difficult times. While mistakes can be tough, Angelou’s words encourage me to learn from them, and to continue to find courage in the face of adversity. I’m reminded to be kind to myself and to take ownership of my mistakes and my successes.

Finally, Angelou’s poem speaks to the importance of being mindful of other people. The poem encourages me to take a step back, put myself in someone else’s shoes, and to approach difficult conversations with understanding and respect. Angelou’s words remind me that, regardless of how different we may be, we should all strive for empathy and for connection.


Maya Angelou’s poem is a powerful reminder of the importance of being confident. In her words, I’m reminded of the power of standing up for myself and of refusing to be overshadowed by society’s standards. Angelou’s message encourages me to take ownership of my power and to believe in myself, no matter what.

The poem speaks to the idea of having courage in the face of adversity. Angelou’s words remind me not to worry about what other people think, and to be proud of who I am and of the decisions I make. I’m given the confidence to push aside fear and to trust that I have what it takes to create a life for myself.

The poem is also a reminder that I can be both gracious and confident. Angelou’s words remind me to be kind to both myself and to others, without sacrificing my confidence or my ambition. I’m encouraged to thank others for their compliments, and to accept them with grace. At the same time, the poem encourages me to keep striving for the future that I want, even if it means challenging others along the way.

Finally, Angelou’s poem speaks to the importance of enjoying the present. She encourages us not to be defined by our accomplishments and to instead celebrate our current state. I’m reminded to take a breath and to savour the moments of joy, no matter how small they may seem. By doing this, I’m reminded that confident people create their own joy and that I should find ways to make each day count.

Strength & Security

Maya Angelou’s poem speaks to the idea of finding strength and security within ourselves. As she writes, “I’m a woman/ Phenomenally/ Phenomenal woman.” Her words are a reminder of the immense power we hold inside of us, and a reminder that we can be confident and secure without relying on anyone else.

Angelou’s poem speaks to the importance of being comfortable in one’s own skin. The poem encourages me to embrace my authentic self and to have faith that I have what it takes to stay strong and secure. By taking ownership of my power, I’m reminded to not feel chained to anyone else’s expectations and to instead revel in my uniqueness.

The poem is also a reminder of the importance of finding support within our own communities. Angelou’s message encourages me to seek out those who will lift me up and to form genuine connections with others. Through her words, I’m reminded that true strength and security come from having strong people around you who are ready to give hope and support.

Finally, Angelou’s poem speaks to the power of acknowledging one’s own strength. Her words are a reminder to stay confident in my ability to take risks and to push myself further. I’m encouraged to believe in myself, to trust my decisions, and to celebrate my successes without feeling guilty.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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