Where Can I Upload My Poetry

Find an Appropriate Platform

When it comes to choosing an appropriate platform to share your poetry, there are plenty of options available. It all depends on what you’re hoping to accomplish, and the audience you want to reach.
For instance, if you’re aiming to receive feedback from other poets, a free website such as Poetry Soup, or a pay-to-play platform like Medium might be the right fit. On these sites, users can post their poetry and receive feedback from a community of other poets in the form of comments, likes, and editing assistance.
Meanwhile, if you’re looking to earn money from your writing, you may want to look into submission calls on sites such as Submittable and Duotrope. These platforms list contests and markets that are looking for poetry submissions and often offer monetary prizes for published pieces.

Submit Your Work to Literary Journals

Submitting your poetry to literary journals is another great way to get your work noticed – and potentially even make some money from your writing.
Literary journals are publications that accept and feature work from emerging writers, and many of them offer submission calls for poetry. Submitting your work to these journals can open up a whole new world of opportunities for you as a poet. You can gain exposure for your writing, get feedback from editors, and even be paid for your work.
When submitting to literary journals, it’s important to remember to check their guidelines and submit your work in the appropriate format. Many literary journals are looking for pieces that follow certain formatting rules, so make sure to take the time to double-check that your submission meets their criteria.

Publish a Collection of Your Work

If you have a collection of your poetry that you’re proud of and you’re ready to share it with the world, publishing your own collection is a great way to do so.
The first step is to find a publisher. There are a variety of independent publishers that specialize in publishing poetry collections. You can find a list of these publishers on websites such as Duotrope and NewPages.
When choosing a publisher, make sure to do your research: read through their guidelines and make sure you understand the costs associated with publishing. You’ll also want to make sure the publisher is a good fit for your work. Consider things such as the type of poetry they specialize in as well as their distribution network.

Self-Publishing Poetry

Self-publishing is another great option if you’re looking to share your poetry. You can publish your work as an e-book, or even print out copies and distribute them through Amazon and other online bookstores.
When self-publishing, it’s important to remember to package your work in the best way possible. Take the time to create an eye-catching cover design and make sure you include an interesting description of your work. Also, make sure to proofread your book and have it edited before submitting it to publishing platforms like Amazon.

Set Up a Blog or Website

If you’d rather not go through a publisher, you can always set up a blog or website to display and share your poetry. This is a great way to get creative and showcase your work in a unique way.
When setting up a blog or website, make sure that the design and interface are both attractive and easy to use. Also, ensure that the content is of the highest quality. Invest some time and effort into creating interesting, engaging blog posts and poems that will keep your readers coming back for more.

Share Poetry on Social Media

Social media is a great way to get your poetry out there and reach a wider audience. Posting your work on platforms such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook can help you to establish a following of readers who are interested in your work.
When it comes to posting your poetry on social media, it’s important to remember that these platforms are all about engagement. Do your best to create interesting posts that will encourage interaction from your followers. Post regular updates so that readers know when to expect new work from you and make sure to respond to your readers’ comments in a timely manner.

Finding Online Communities for Poets

If you’re looking for a supportive environment to share your work and get feedback from other poets, joining an online community may be the perfect solution for you.
There are a variety of online communities for poets, such as Reddit’s Poetry forum and Poetry Society of America’s Poetry Lovers’ Group. These forums are a great place to read and discuss poetry with other like-minded individuals. Here, you’ll be able to receive constructive criticism and gain insights from people with a similar interest in poetry.

Join Writing Groups

Writing groups are another great way to get feedback on your writing and make connections with other poets. Writing groups provide a safe, supportive environment where you can share your work and collaborate with other writers.
These groups usually meet either in-person or online, so you can join one that’s close to you or one that meets virtually. Writing groups can provide critical insights into your work that you may not get from an online community or feedback from a friend.

Attend Open Mic or Slam Nights

Another great way to share your work and make connections with fellow poets is by attending open mic or slam nights. These events are great ways to network, showcase your work, and receive feedback from an engaged audience.
At these events, you will often find an open mic portion where writers can read their own work or a slam round, where writers compete against each other to win prizes. Attending these events is a great way to get your writing out there and gain exposure in the poetry world.

Use YouTube and Podcasts

For those who are looking for a creative way to share their work, using YouTube and podcasts are great ways to do so.
Creating a YouTube channel or podcast where you share your work is a great way to reach a larger audience and potentially even gain a following. Take time to create an interesting introduction and description of your work that will captivate people and make them want to listen. Also, make sure to include a link to your website or blog on the channel or podcast so that people can find out more about your work.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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