Why Do I Like Poetry

Why Do I Like Poetry?

Being a lover of the written word, I’ve often pondered the reasons why I’m so drawn to poems of all kinds. Whether it be traditional poetry such as sonnets, haikus, or epic poetry, or something more modern, like slam poetry or spoken word pieces, there’s something about them that just speaks to me. After digging a bit deeper, I believe I’ve been able to come up with a few solid ideas of why I like poetry.
First of all, poets are often able to capture a certain emotion or feeling that’s hard to put into mere words. While reading a poem, it can often feel like the author is right there with you, speaking to your heart. Poems are also often wrapped in a richness of metaphor and imagery. Poetry can help paint a more vivid picture of a feeling or thought, while also giving the reader an almost tactile sense of the author’s emotions. This can often make a poem even more impactful.
In addition to the emotion and imagery a poem can evoke, I think there’s something about the form of poetry that I find attractive. For example, a sonnet is often seen as an art form, with each line having to fit within a strict rhyme and rhythm scheme. The challenge of having to write within a certain structure can create a unique creative puzzle for poets, often requiring them to dig deeper into their creative reserves.
Speaking of the form of poetry, I also tend to appreciate the way that modern poets have broken out of traditional forms, taking more abstract approaches to their work. Slam poetry, rap, and spoken word are all examples of this. These modern adaptations of poetry often breathe new life into the genre, and many of them carry powerful messages that connect to their readers in an incredibly personal way.
Naturally, poetry can be incredibly subjective, so it’s not surprising if someone may not understand the appeal at all. To that, I believe the best way to truly understand poetry is to experience it. People might find the traditional sonnet or haikus a bit tedious, but there are so many different kinds of poetry out there waiting to be explored. Trying different forms, or simply acknowledging the power that lies within a poem, can go a long way in understanding why poetry is so important.

Expressing Emotions

Poetry isn’t simply about putting words to a page. It’s about being vulnerable and exposing your innermost thoughts and emotions. It’s a way of making sense of our world — of connecting with and understanding others — and of articulating our own truth. It can be a profoundly moving and difficult process, especially if it is rooted in emotion. But that’s what makes poems so powerful; they can evoke feelings in readers that can be hard to express otherwise.
It is through this that I’ve come to understand why people write poems in the first place and why I love to read them. People often write to express their feelings, thoughts and emotions. Poetry can be used to convey a sense of empathy and understanding, allowing readers to connect with the poem on a higher level. This kind of understanding and appreciation can open up a whole new world for readers and gives them an appreciation for the beauty that lies within poetry, as well as the power it can have on everyone.
Given this, it’s no surprise that some of the most powerful poetry can often come from difficult and deeply personal experiences. Poets who have had to grapple with loss, trauma, and hardship, often turn to poetry as a way of expressing their emotions and understanding their own truths. This gives readers an opportunity to understand the poet and their story on a much deeper level. By embracing the many forms of poetry and the emotions it evokes, readers can find a source of comfort, catharsis, and healing.

Exploring Identity

Poetry can also be incredibly useful when it comes to exploring one’s identity. Every person has a unique story, and poetry can be a way for us to tell our stories in a tangible and meaningful way. Poems can weave in elements of our life and culture that can be difficult to articulate or explain in other forms. It can also be used to explore concepts such as gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality and class. Through poetry, we can gain understanding into a person’s life, as well as into their individual perspectives.
What I have come to realize is that no matter what kind of poem I am reading, it is almost always an exploration of identity. While some poems may be more overt in the themes they explore, many poems are just a reflection of the poet’s life and experience. No matter what they are writing about, readers can learn something new about the poet and can gain insight into the things that matter to them.
Poetry can also be a source of connection and solidarity. By reading powerful poems that explore identity and shared experiences, readers can gain an understanding of each other and make observations about the world around them. Poems can be a way to bridge different perspectives and create a space for dialogue and understanding.

Living Through Metaphors

I believe the strongest poetry often uses metaphors to draw out powerful emotions and explore ideas. Metaphors are powerful tools that poets can use to open up a whole new world for their readers. By using symbolism and surreal imagery, poets can convey a sense of mystery, wonder and emotion that goes beyond what can be put into simply words.
Metaphors can also be used to explore complex ideas or painful emotions in a much more accessible way. By using metaphors, poets can create a snapshot of their feelings and emotions in a way that doesn’t feel too heavy or burdensome. For readers, this approach allows them insight into the poet’s thoughts in a new and more powerful way.

Finding Meaning

Perhaps the final reason why I’m drawn to poetry is the possibility that it can offer to help understand the meaning of life. Through these pieces, readers can often gain an understanding of their own truths, ideas and emotions and gain a new appreciation of the world they live in. Even if they don’t find the answer they may be looking for, they can still come away with something tangible that they can apply to their day-to-day lives.
With all of this in mind, it’s no surprise that I am drawn to poetry so much. It has the ability to connect and empathize with readers in a deeply personal way, while also giving them the opportunity to have a more meaningful understanding of their own lives. Whether it’s traditional poetry or something more modern, I believe that everyone can find something to appreciate and take away from reading poetry.

Dannah Hannah is an established poet and author who loves to write about the beauty and power of poetry. She has published several collections of her own works, as well as articles and reviews on poets she admires. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a specialization in poetics, from the University of Toronto. Hannah was also a panelist for the 2017 Futurepoem book Poetry + Social Justice, which aimed to bring attention to activism through poetry. She lives in Toronto, Canada, where she continues to write and explore the depths of poetry and its influence on our lives.

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